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IWS Module - 1st Year Master's Degree / 4th-Year Engineer


H2O'Lyon Specialisation Track IWS

IWS Module - M1

Application Form


This module, offered to students in Master 1, is aimed at students interested in the M2 Integrated Watershed Sciences programme. It prepares them to enrol in this track, with an initial introduction to interdisciplinarity and research, and support for international mobility.

Completion of this module will be taken into account when applying for the M2 IWS track

Enrolment requirements

Be enrolled in one of the graduate school H2O'Lyon Masters or Engineering Schools offering the IWS track in M2:

Provide proof, in the form of a letter of motivation, of a professional project related to water sciences and one of the themes promoted by the graduate school H2O'Lyon.

Be motivated by an interdisciplinary and international training experience, at the interface between the research community and water stakeholders and managers

Be interested in and available for an international mobility experience:
  • Mobility of 1 to 6 months related to the themes of H2O'Lyon
  • This may have taken place before or during the course
Candidates are selected on the basis of their applications, after approval by the head of the Masters/engineering school and the head of the IWS specialisation track.

Organisation and programme of teaching activities

  • Introduction to interdisciplinarity through participation in an interdisciplinary workshop : 3 days of fieldwork on a case study (from 4 to 6 November 2024)
  • Mentoring in an H2O'Lyon laboratory in conjunction with a PhD student during the academic year
  • International mobility experience of 1 to 6 months (possibility of an H2O’Lyon mobility grant)

Enrolment details

  • Fill in the informations on the registration form below, making sure that you explain your career plans in your cover letter and submit it BEFORE 30/09/24
  • Selection of candidates on the basis of applications
  • Once accepted, students must ensure they take part in the scheduled activities (interdisciplinary workshop, mentoring, international mobility)
Alyssa Bailly, Project Officer Training Research
07 88 85 04 80 //



First name  
Date of birth  
Telephone number  

Current situation  Grade level

 Name of institution  
 Date of enrollment  
Previous situation  Grade level

Name of institution  
Date of enrollment  

 Short description of your professional project and your idea/wishes for the internship during semester 2 (30 lines max.)

Do you already have some ideas/contact for international mobility?
Or have you already carried out an international mobility during your academic career?
If yes, fill all the lines below. If not, please only indicate the linked H2O'Lyon research area(s)
 H2O'Lyon research areas linked (tick one or more items)

 Stay duration (in months)  
 Dates from / to  
 Location of mobility  

 Detailed CV  
 Evidence of Master of Engineer School enrollment  
 If any, language level certification in French and/or English
 For those who do not have an English level certificate, take the online test (EF SET 50 min) at the link below and attach the result (or the screenshot)
 English test
 If any, a proof of your international experience (a certified statement of stay abroad established by the host supervisor)  

listen to the word to enter

La réglementation applicable aux données personnelles évolue, avec l’entrée en vigueur, le 25 mai 2018, du Règlement général sur la protection des données (RGPD), adoptée par le Parlement européen. L’EUR H2O’Lyon s’engage à respecter les informations qui lui sont communiquées. Les données collectées lors de votre candidature sont exclusivement destinées à l’usage de l’EUR H2O’Lyon à des fins de gestion administrative et pédagogique et à établir des statistiques. Conformément à la loi « Informatique et Libertés » du 6 janvier 1978, vous bénéficiez d’un droit d’accès et de rectification aux informations qui vous concernent. Si vous souhaitez exercer ce droit et obtenir communication des informations vous concernant, veuillez vous adresser à

The regulations applicable to personal data are changing, with the entry into force on 25 May 2018 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), adopted by the European Parliament. The graduate school H2O'Lyon is committed to respecting the information provided to it. The data collected at the time of your application is exclusively intended for use by the graduate school H2O'Lyon for administrative and educational management purposes and to establish statistics. In accordance with the French Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978, you have the right to access and rectify any information concerning you. If you wish to exercise this right and obtain information about you, please contact