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Master's and engineering programmes
The current offer of the H2O'Lyon Graduate School is organised around 9 Master's degrees (20 tracks) and three engineering school specialisation tracks.
The Master's courses each offer one or more tracks. In 2022, six new tracks were opened.
For information on enrolment, please contact the relevant Master's programmes directly.
H2O'Lyon Master's
The Master bee@lyon aims to train students in the fields of fundamental and applied ecology (preservation and management of areas) and evolving genomic.
The main purpose of the course is to give students a solid background in public law. The year M1 is common to the different majors and the year M2 is specialized by major.
This training aims at a high level of qualification corresponding to the most demanding international standards in a very favourable local context.
The Master of Digital Geography is co-accredited by Université Jean Monnet de St-Etienne and Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon (ENS).The training is theoretical, conceptual and practical focused on the technologies of geospatial information and their implementation in geomatics as well as in numerous applied or research fields: environment, risk, development, urbanism, transport, territory, culture, computer, etc.
This Master is co-accredited by four institutions of the Université de Lyon : University Lumière Lyon 2, University Jean Moulin Lyon 3, University Jean Monnet St Etienne, and École Normale supérieure de Lyon (ENSL).
This Master aims to train students for current issues in microbiology both in the fundamental and applied areas. The training benefits from the strong potential of the microbiology research teams at the Lyon cluster.
The master is partnered with and/or is co-accredited by 5 institutions of the Université de Lyon: University Lumière Lyon 2, University Jean Moulin Lyon 3, École Centrale de Lyon (ECL), École Nationale des Travaux Publics de l'État à Vaulx-en-Velin (ENTPE), École des Mines de Saint-Étienne (EMSE), Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon (INSA-Lyon).
This master is based on two years, M1 of Water Sciences and M2 to choose from two majors.
Master (M1, M2) in Physics, Chemistry and Engineering schools of the Université de Lyon (Department of Physics, Department of Chemistry) and Ecole Centrale Lyon (ECL).
After two years of basic training, which provide a high-level scientific and humanistic base, the graduate level offers 9 engineering sections.
At the end of the first year, the students can choose one of seven available ways of deepening their understanding of engineering.