This Master is co-accredited by four institutions of the Université de Lyon : University Lumière Lyon 2, University Jean Moulin Lyon 3, University Jean Monnet St Etienne, and École Normale supérieure de Lyon (ENSL).

M1 – Environmental management / Socio-ecological system: legacies, dynamics and management

This master offers multidisciplinary training about the environment and its dynamics based on questioning and skills developed in environmental geography but also in other disciplines of the Environmental sciences: ecology, analysis of past and current physical environments, history, economy, law, philosophy, hydrology, and data sciences.

M2 – Environmental management / Socio-ecological system: legacies, dynamics and management

The aim is to train future environmental researchers and practitioners capable of analysing environmental issues accurately, rigorously and critically, and of proposing ways of better managing and preserving biodiversity, environments and landscapes, while integrating a wide range of stakeholders into the decision-making process.

M1/M2 – Environmental management / Prevention and management of environmental alterations (PGAE)

This course focuses on the problems of environmental degradation (water, soil and atmospheric pollution, noise pollution) and the related territorial, economic, technological and architectural issues of management and redevelopment. It considers both the question of prevention and management of the impact of urban and industrial activities and that of the requalification of derelict areas.

M2 - Environmental management / IWS

Integrated Watershed Sciences: This specialisation track aims to train specialists capable of understanding the complex challenges of tomorrow in the field of water and hydrosystems sciences and developing sustainable solutions to these issues. It is offered in 7 master's degrees to enable students to acquire, in addition to their disciplinary base (ecology, geography, sociology, economics, microbiology, engineering, hydrology, etc.), the ability to interact in an interdisciplinary context. All courses in this programme are in English.