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H2O'Lyon Project

Winner in November 2017 of the "Ecole Universitaire de Recherche" call for projects under the Programme d'Investissement d'Avenir (PIA), H2O'Lyon received funding over 10 years from the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR) to build a Graduate School dedicated to Water Sciences and Hydrosystems.

The University of Lyon (UDL) is the coordinating institution with a management delegation to the University Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (UCBL).
The consortium brings together 13 institutions, 20 training courses, 12 research units, 13 non-academic partners and more than 200 researchers.

H2O'Lyon is building a Graduate School that is:
  • Interdisciplinary: it integrates the Human and Social Sciences, the Physical and Engineering Sciences and the Life Sciences into its research and training programmes, with interfaces between research and training, to address all current and future challenges in the water sector.
  • International: it aims to strengthen its impact and attractiveness through the international networks and laboratories to which H2O'Lyon members belong by hosting foreign lecturers and funding research and training programmes on an international scale.
  • Collaborative: it encourages collaboration with non-academic partners and socio-economic actors by promoting the co-construction of training and research objectives and actions.

The objective of H2O'Lyon is to become an international reference in the field of Water Sciences and Hydrosystems. It aims to enable new generations of students to benefit from high-level interdisciplinary knowledge and know-how in order to foster their professional integration and help them develop ever more innovative visions.
