- 202403 DEC
This day is aimed at PhD students and young researchers in the H2O'Lyon community who want to boost their careers, continue in academia or move into other types of profession.
- 202428 NOV
We would like to invite you to a day of discussions on research in Lyon and Saint-Etienne into microplastics in hydrosystems. The aim is to encourage exchanges between the various disciplines interested in this subject, to take stock of current research activities and to consider joint actions that could be undertaken by this community.
- 202421 OCT
H2O’Lyon x SFE2 conference Young Researchers Meet-Up
The aim of the Doc.H2O evenings/days is to encourage PhD students and young researchers (post-docs, ATERs, etc.) to meet up and exchange ideas, opportunities and mutual support, and to enable them to acquire useful skills for their professional careers, including workshops. These quarterly events are organised with and for PhD students and young doctors - 202421 OCT 25 OCT
The biennial meeting of the French Society of Ecology and Evolution, co-funded by H2O'Lyon, is a key event for the national and international scientific communities working in these fields.
- 202414 OCT 18 OCT
The first school organised by the OneWater - Eau Bien Commun programme will be held from 14 to 18 October 2024 in Le Mée-sur-Seine. The aim of this week of reflection on issues related to water management and climate change is to contribute to the various scientific challenges being tackled by OneWater using an original multi-stakeholder approach. OneWater - Eau Bien Commun aims not only to produce new knowledge to re-establish water as a common good, but also to resp
- 202412 OCT
For one day, the City of Lyon, the mediators from EbulliScience, along with researchers and students from INSA Lyon, ENS Lyon, University Lyon 2, and H2O'Lyon, are offering workshops to show that science and technology are accessible to everyone.
- 202420 SEP
Welcome afternoon: meet the newcomers through a bicycle adventure!
The aim of the Doc.H2O evenings/days is to encourage PhD students and young researchers (post-docs, ATERs, etc.) from the H2O'Lyon community to meet up and exchange ideas, opportunities and mutual support, and to enable them to acquire useful skills for their professional careers, including workshops. These quarterly events are organised with and for PhD students and young doctors - 202403 JUL
We are glad to invite you to the defence of Mathis Messager whose thesis is co-funded by H2O'Lyon
- 202428 JUN 30 JUN
From 28 to 30 June 2024, over 300 events are scheduled to celebrate Lyon's two rivers. Come and discover scientific, historical and sociological conferences and take part in workshops to understand the role of water in our daily lives.
- 202425 JUN 28 JUN
After the success of the first edition in 2022, the new edition of the Eco campus summer school on Infiltration will be held from June 25 to 28 in Lyon!
- 202410 JUN
We are glad to invite you to the defence of Mathis Messager whose thesis is co-funded by H2O'Lyon
- 202404 JUN
A participatory workshop based on concepts we all use, to discover how other disciplines think, the wealth of interfaces and open up new perspectives.
- 202427 MAY 04 JUN
A 3-part seminar featuring national and international presentations, and field visits, addressed to researchers, managers, naturalists and students.
- 202426 MAY 01 JUN
26th European Junior Scientists Workshop on Monitoring Urban Drainage systems and rivers
- 202422 MAY 24 MAY
Le congrès annuel du Groupe Français de recherches sur les Pesticides est un congrès francophone qui réunit la communauté scientifique impliquée dans des thématiques de recherches sur les pesticides et notamment ceux utilisés pour la protection des cultures.
Cette 52ème édition est soutenue par l'EUR H2O'Lyon. - 202402 MAY
An evening for doctoral students and young researchers on international careers. Why develop an international profile? For what professional and personal purposes? How can you make your profile international and how can you promote your skills?
The aim of the Doc.H2O evenings/days is to encourage PhD students and young researchers (post-docs, ATERs, etc.) from the H2O'Lyon community to meet up and exchange ideas, opportunities and mutual support, and to enable them to acquire useful skills for their professional careers, including workshops. These quarterly events are organised with and for PhD students and young doctors - 202422 MAR
We are delighted to invite you to the defence of Olivier Grandjouan, whose thesis is supported and co-funded by the H2O'Lyon Graduate School.
- 202421 MAR
A full day event focusing on the graduate school's scientific and training activities, with the aim of exchanging ideas and building for the future.
- 202418 MAR 22 MAR
From 18 to 22 March 2024, the H2O'Lyon Graduate School and its partners are organizing an open university week to coincide with World Water Day on 22 March.
- 202412 MAR
We are delighted to invite you to the defence of Noémie Pernin, whose thesis is supported and co-funded by the H2O'Lyon Graduate School .
- 202420 JAN
On 20 January 2024, H2O'Lyon invites you to "La Science de l'eau" organised by the Musée des Confluences.