This Master aims to train students for current issues in microbiology both in the fundamental and applied areas. The training benefits from the strong potential of the microbiology research teams at the Lyon cluster.

M1 - Microbiology

M2 - Microbiology / MMPEM

Molecular Microbiology, Pathogenesis, Microbial Ecology: this track allows the student to understand the different faces of microbiology, from the mechanistic aspects (e.g. study of the molecular mechanisms involved during a host-pathogen interaction) to environmental microbiology (e.g. study of a functional community in a given ecosystem).

M2 - Microbiology / MAABE

Microbiology Applied to Agri-food, Biomedical and Environment: M2 MAABE's asset is to offer a common base of knowledge and skills in microbiology applied to three sectors of activity (agri-food, biomedical and environment).

M2 - Microbiology / IWS

Integrated Watershed Sciences: This specialisation track aims to train specialists capable of understanding the complex challenges of tomorrow in the field of water and hydrosystems sciences and developing sustainable solutions to these issues. It is offered in 7 master's degrees to enable students to acquire, in addition to their disciplinary base (ecology, geography, sociology, economics, microbiology, engineering, hydrology, etc.), the ability to interact in an interdisciplinary context. All courses in this programme are in English.