A day of exchange on (micro)plastics

On The November 28, 2024

9.00 - 16.30
INSA de Lyon, bâtiment J. Ferrand, Amphi Royer, 12 rue des Sports 69100 Villeurbanne

We would like to invite you to a day of discussions on research in Lyon and Saint-Etienne into microplastics in hydrosystems. The aim is to encourage exchanges between the various disciplines interested in this subject, to take stock of current research activities and to consider joint actions that could be undertaken by this community.

The programme will include scientific presentation, discussion sessions and workshops


Students, PhD students and young researchers interestend or working on this topic.


9.00 - 9.30  Welcome coffee and Opening

9.30 - 10.30  Microplastics in soils and sediments

  • Sediplast - Historical contribution of the Lyon metropolitan area to microplastic contamination in Rhône sediments | Brice Mourier, LEHNA, ENTPE
  • Assessment of combined microplastic and metallic contamination in surface sediment and water along a historically industrialised gravel-bed river (Severn River, UK) | André-Marie Dendievel, LEHNA, ENTPE
  • Plastisol & e-Dip – The role of additives in the ecotoxicity of microplastics on soil organisms (microorganisms, plants, annelids) and soil functioning | Agnès Richaume, LEM, Université Lyon 1, Adrien Blanchard, INRAE, Ecosys

10.30 - 11.00  Transfer of microplastics in urban water

  • Transplast ANR Project (AAP 2023) – TRANSport & interaction of microPLASTics in urban water storm overflows & development of remediation solutions | Okba Mostefaoui, LMFA, INSA de Lyon, Zoé Iannuzzi, LEHNA, ENTPE, Léa Davy, DEEP et IMP, INSA de Lyon, Rémy Bayard, DEEP, INSA de Lyon

11.00 - 11.30  Coffee break

11.30 - 12.30  (Micro)plastics: transfer & impacts in continental aquatic ecosystems

  • Aquaplast – Transfers & impacts of (micro)plastics in rivers | Laurent Simon, Mohammad Wazne, Camille Touchet, Nans Barthelemy, LEHNA, Université Lyon 1, Stephan Krause, University of Birmingham (UK)
  • Location of macroplastics accumulation zones on banks and islands along the Saône River | Apoline Zahorka, LEHNA, ENTPE
  • Effects of management on microplastic concentration at La Dombes | Zoraida Quiñones-Rivera, LEHNA, Université Lyon 1

12.30 - 14.00  Lunch break

14.00 - 14.50  Microplastics & transfer to the underground environment

  • PlasticUnderground – Transfers of microplastics between surface and underground environments and their impacts | Laurent Simon,F. Mermillod-Blondin, Petros Mecaj, LEHNA, Université Lyon 1, Lizeth Cardoza, Laurent Lassabatère, Brice Mourier, Laurence Volatier, LEHNA, ENTPE 
  • Pintes – Quantifying the self-purification efficiency of interfaces during natural and artificial groundwater recharge | Laurence Volatier, LEHNA, ENTPE, F. Mermillod-Blondin, Petros Mecaj, LEHNA, Université Lyon 1

14.50 - 15.45  Methods and measurements

  • MicroPlasticRivers – comparison of methodologies for assessing microplastics in rivers, from sampling in water and sediments to extraction and identification in the laboratory | Marina Coquery, Riverly, INRAE, Brice Mourier, LEHNA, ENTPE
  • Microparticles analysis methods developed for the Codetex project | Nicole Gilon, F. Bessueille-Barbier, E. Cruzador, ISA, Université Lyon 1
  • Analytical developments and projects | Emmanuel Vuillet, Laure Wiest, ISA, Université Lyon 1
  • Vertical dynamics of porous particles in stratified flows | Marie Poulain-Zarcos, LMFA, Ecole Centrale de Lyon

15.45 - 16.45  Round tables

  • Overview of existing PM methods and equipment in the Lyon area. What are the needs (technical, methodological)?
  • At the end of the day how can we go further together?


How to get there?

Tramway T1 - stop INSA - Einstein