The challenges of water for living beings

From October 14, 2024 to October 18, 2024

Le Mée-sur-Seine

The first school organised by the OneWater - Eau Bien Commun programme will be held from 14 to 18 October 2024 in Le Mée-sur-Seine. The aim of this week of reflection on issues related to water management and climate change is to contribute to the various scientific challenges being tackled by OneWater using an original multi-stakeholder approach. OneWater - Eau Bien Commun aims not only to produce new knowledge to re-establish water as a common good, but also to resp

La première école OneWater vise à appréhender les enjeux liés à l'eau auxquels font face les Français et l'ensemble des acteurs des territoires en charge de la gestion de l'eau, dans des contextes de changement climatique, de pressions sur les ressources et de nécessaire préservation et restauration du bon état des écosystèmes.

Registrations open until 20 september 2024.

The theme of this first OneWater school will be "The challenges of water for living organisms (humans, fauna, flora)". It will seek to understand the water-related issues faced by French and all local stakeholders in charge of water management, in the context of climate change and pressure on resources, and the need to preserve and restore ecosystems.

The aim is to provide a collective intelligence experience to meet these challenges, drawing on the diversity (disciplinary and sectoral) of skills and profiles involved: researchers, decision-makers, managers, experts in water issues, etc. The discussions will be based on case studies to help understand the unique nature of the issues associated with specific territories.

Information and Registration