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Supported Initiatives

The H2O'Lyon Graduate School supports initiatives that promote interdisciplinarity, partnerships with professionals, and links between research and training:
The following projects on integrated watershed sciences have been called for their spirit of innovation and their commitment to excellence.


Summer School

Master Fellowship


  • How to compute the mixing of a pollution during an urban flood with a 2D code?
Benjamin Froquet
Scientific Leaders: Sébastien Proust (INRAE), Emmanuel Mignot (LFMA)
Laboratory: INRAE et LMFA
Partners : University of Liège (Benjamin Dewals, Pierre Archambeau)
Duration : 01/04/24 to 31/08/2024 

  • Hydro-sedimentary distributed modeling of a peri-urban catchment.
Vincent Thiercelin
Scientific Leader: Jérémie Bonneau
Laboratory: DEEP, INSA Lyon
Partners : DEEP (Frédéric Cherqui, Maria Gisi), INRAE RiverLy (Louise Mimeau), EVS (Oldrich Navratil), University of Melbourne (Kathy Russell)
Duration : 05/02/24 to 19/07/2024 

  • Multi-approach study of the relict population of white-clawed crayfish (Austropotamobius pallipes) in the Razes stream in the context of habitat restoration and hydraulic works.
Marina Benavides Guedes, Hydrologic approach
Scientific Leader: Gislain Lipeme-Kouyi
Laboratory: DEEP, INSA Lyon

Mathieu Dall'Agnol, Ecologic approach
Scientific Leader: Yvan Paz-Vinas
Laboratory: LEHNA UMR 5023

Partner: Syndicat du bassin de l'Yzeron (SAGYRC)
Duration: 08/01/24 to 05/07/2024 

  • Tufa expansion in the Cuisance catchment (Jura): an interdisciplinary study.
Almudena Plichon, Social geography approach
Scientific Leader: Anne Honegger
Laboratory: EVS UMR 5600

Mathis Fléret, Physical geography approach
Scientific Leader: Romain Delunel
Laboratory: EVS UMR 5600

Rémi Combeaux, hydraulic approach
Scientific Leader: Céline Berni
Laboratory: INRAE

Partner: Syndicat Mixte Doubs Loue,
Duration: 08/01/24 to 05/07/24

  • Bioinformatic strategies for analyzing environmental metatranscriptomics datasets to monitor hydrosystem functioning.
Flora Mottet
Scientific Leader: Johan Pansu (LEHNA)
Laboratory: LEHNA UMR 5023
Partners : LEHNA, UMR 5023 (Clémentine François, Tristan Lefébure), MAP, UMR 5240 (Mylène Hugoni), PRABI-AMSB (Vincent Navratil, Christine Oger, Dominique Guyot), EVS, UMR 5600 (Oldrich Navratil)
Duration: 08/01/24 to 07/06/2024 


  • Microbiological and physicochemical monitoring of Devesset lake (Ardèche) subject to summer proliferations of cyanobacteria.
Sébastien Autret
Scientific leader : Françoise Girardot (EVS)
Laboratory : EVS/ISTHME UMR 5600
Partners : Anne Honegger (EVS, ENS Lyon), Patrick Marcaillou (syndicat de gestion du lac de Devesset (SIGLD))
Duration : 03/04/23 to 25/08/2023 

  • Characterizing micro-plastic particles in sewers and production of representative model particles.
Catherine Salami
Scientific leader : Diego Lopez  (LMFA), Valérie Massardier (IMP)
Laboratory : LMFA UMR 5223
Partners : LMFA (Diego Lopez, Okba Mostefaoui, Emmanuel Mignot), IMP (Valérie Massardier), DEEP (Gislain Lipeme-Kouyi et Remy Bayard)
Duration : 01/02/23 to 28/07/2023 

  • Integration of the water cycle in urban development projects at different scales.
Louise Evin, Functioning of rainwater urban ponds
Scientific leader : Björn Wissel, Bernard Kaufmann
Laboratory : LEHNA UMR 5023

Etienne Pujos, Urban microbial ecology
Scientific leader : Benoît Cournoyer
Laboratory : LEM UMR 5557

Fanny Bourgeau, How to monitor the SuDS ? Tracing the sentinel role of urban trees
Scientific leader : Oldrich Navratil
Laboratory : EVS UMR 5600

Miguel Alvarez, Decision support for dewatering
Leaders : Gislain Lipeme-Kouyi, Elodie Brelot et Eloïse Lenormand
Structure : GRAIE and the laboratory DEEP INSA

Partners : University Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Graie, Ville & Aménagement Durable (VAD)
Duration : 09/01/23 to 08/07/2023 
  • Impact of agricultural practices and land use on the spread of antibiotic resistance in surface water and soil in a rural watershed.
Luce Faysse
Scientific leaders : Sabine Favre-Bonté, Agnès Richaume-Jolion
Laboratory : Ecologie microbienne CNRS UMR 5557
Partners : IGE UMR 5001 Grenoble (Jean Martins, Guillaume Nord, Cédric Legout), UGA, Pacte-Cermosem Le Pradel (Nicolas Robinet)
Duration : 02/01/23 to 31/05/2023 


  • Detection of gully erosion patterns in tropical watersheds through remote sensing and machine learning.
Clément Fraysse
Scientific leader : François Mialhe
Laboratory : EVS UMR 5600
Partners : Stéphane Chrétien (EA3083 ERIC), Yanni Gunnell (EVS UMR 5600)
Duration : 14/2/22 to 13/08/22


  • Hydrography and hydro-agricultural techniques of the multi-millennial sites in the Bat/Al-Arid region (Sultanate of Oman).
Pia Le Cauchois
Scientific leader : Corinne Castel
Laboratory : Archéorient UMR 5133
Partners : Nicolas Jacob Rousseau (MCF Université Lyon 2, UMR 5133), Jean-Luc Bertrand-Krajewski (lecturer INSA, laboratory DEEP)
Duration : 2/11/21 to 31/03/21
  • Balkan rivers landscapes, a geohistorical approach (Republic of North Macedonia, Greece, Albania).
Arnaud Masson
Scientific leader : Nicolas Jacob Rousseau
Laboratory : Archéorient UMR 5133
Partners : CNRS UMR 5600 EVS, MOM FR3747
Duration : 01/04/21 to 30/09/21
  • Sedimentary source detection and mapping by using multi-source data: contribution of satellite imagery for source inventory in anthropized mountainous area
Vincent Siccard
Scientific leader : Etienne Cossart
Laboratory : CNRS UMR 5600 EVS
Partners : Lab. of Sediment Hazards (Kobe University)
Duration : 29/03/21 to 29/07/21
  • Mondragon-Les Ribaudes (Tricastin floodplain) : analysis of an hydraulic network and of the gaulish impact on the floodplains within the framework of the Paleo-anthropocene
Pascalle Keijsers
Scientific leader : Jean-François Berger
Laboratory : CNRS UMR 5600 EVS
Partners : INRAP Méditerranée, Université Clermont Auvergne 
Duration : 01/03/21 to 31/07/21
  • Pollution of the Rhone since 1970
Zoé Iannuzzi
Scientific Leader : Philippe Polomé
Laboratory : UMR 5824 GATE-LSE
Partner : UMR 5023 LEHNA
Duration : 01/03/21 to 31/08/21


  • Particules, Pesticides and Landscape (PULSE)
Lucas Moreau
Scientific Leader : Mathieu Fressard, Nadia Carluer
Laboratory : CNRS UMR 5600 EVS / INRAE Riverly - Equipe Pollutions diffuses
Partners : INRAE RiverLy - Laboratoire de chimie des milieux aquatiques / Syndicat mixte du Beaujolais
Duration : 09/03/20 to 28/08/20
  • Supporting the search for victims in rivers
Célia Maghakian
Scientific Leader : Oldrich Navratil (EVS)
Laboratory : UMR 5600 EVS
Partners : LMFA (UMR5509) (N. Riviere, D. Lopez, E. Mignot) / EVS (UMR 5600) / INRAE Lyon (J. Le Coz) / SDMIS (sapeurs-pompiers du Service Départemental-Métropolitain d’Incendie et de Secours) (Lt-Colonel S. PONTET, Chef du CIS Lyon-Corneille - Spécialités Nautiques).
Duration : 16/03/20 to 04/09/20
  • Chemical characterization of driftwood to determine its geographical origin for optimal valorization
Abdullah Al-Qtarnah
Scientific Leader : Hervé Piegay (EVS), Capucine Dupont (IHE)
Laboratory : UMR 5600 EVS
Partners : IHE Delft Institute for Water Education - Netherlands (C. Dupont et M. Franca) / ETH Zürich (Virginia Ruiz Villanueva) - Switzerland / CNR (L. Pozzobon, exploitant Génissiat)
Duration : Mid Februar 2020 to mid October 2020


  • Development of a protocol to characterize the topography of alluvial margins by LiDAR drone
Julien Point
Scientific Leader : Jérôme Lejot
Laboratory : UMR 5600 EVS, IRG, Plateforme ISIG
Partners : Conservatoire des espace naturels de l'Isère / INRAE Lyon / Durham University (UK)
Duration : April to September 2019

Jointly funded theses

Start in 2024

  • PROOF-N : Development of an energy-efficient wastewater nitrogen recovery process under real conditions.
Solène Galinier
Scientific Leaders: Antonin Azaïs et Florent Chazarenc (INRAE)
Laboratory: Laboratoire de Mécanique des Fluides et d'Acoustique (LMFA)
Partners: INSA de Lyon, Grand Lyon, EMSE, ISA
Beginning: 1st December 2024
  • Study of the transport of model microparticles in experimental set-ups representative of urban hydrosystems.
Okba Mostefaoui
Scientific Leader: Emmanuel Mignot (LMFA)
Laboratory: Laboratoire de Mécanique des Fluides et d'Acoustique (LMFA)
Co-funder: INSA Lyon
Beginning: November 2024 (6 month PhD extension)
  • Study of the behavior of model plastic micro-particles and trapping conditions in storm overflows structure in urban areas.
Léa Davy
Scientific Leader: Valérie Massardier (IMP/INSA de Lyon)
Laboratory: UMR 5223 Laboratoire d'Ingénierie des Matériaux Polymères
Partners: DEEP/INSA de Lyon
Beginning: 1st September 2024
  • The fate, transport and ecological consequences of the presence of microplastics in intermittent rivers.
Nans Barthélémy
Scientific Leaders: Florian Mermillod-Blondin (LEHNA), Thibault Datry (INRAE RiverLy)
Laboratory : UMR 5023 LEHNA
Co-funders : INRAE RiverLy, LEHNA
Partners : INRAE Lyon-Grenoble Auvergne Rhône-Alpes, LEHNA
Beginning : July 2024 (6 month PhD extension)
  • Assessment of the cyanobacteria risk, considering the invasive bryozoan Pectinatella magnifica.
Sébastien Autret
Scientific Leaders: Françoise Girardot (EVS/ISTHME), Etienne Cossart (EVS/ENS de Lyon)
Laboratory: UMR 5600 EVS
Co-funder: Université Jean Monnet
Partners: Syndicat de gestion du lac de Devesset (SIGLD), ARS-ARA/DTARS-07/Pôle prévention et gestion des risques, Syndicat mixte Eyrieux Clair, Agence de l'Eau Rhône Méditerranée Corse
Beginning: 1st June 2024

Start in 2023

  • Post-Miocene geomorphological evolution of the western Alpine foreland basin (Rhône and Isère watersheds)
Clément Fraysse
Scientific Leader: Romain Delunel, Yanni Gunnell, Hélène Tissoux (BRGM)
Laboratory: UMR 5600 EVS
Co-funder: BRGM
Partners: LGLTPE Lyon, INRAP Bron, University of Salzburg, University of Bern, ISTerre Grenoble and Chambéry, Biogéosciences Dijon, LEHNA
Beginning: 01/12/2023
  • Hedges influence on recharge processes and water transit times: geophysical time lapse and hydro-geophysic modeling
Hanifa Bader
Scientific Leaders : Jean Marçais, Nadia Carluer
Laboratory : INRAE RiverLy
Co-funder : INRAE Aqua
Partners : LEHNA UMR 5023 (Laurent Lassabatère), INRAE REVERSAAL (René Clément)
Beginning : 01/11/2023
  • Effects of urbanisation on floodplain ecosystems and biodiversity
    (the project is part of ANR GloUrb programme (2023-2026))
Josselin Burriat
Scientific Leaders: Sylvain Dolédec, Bernard Kaufmann, Barbara Belletti
Laboratory: UMR 5023 LEHNA
Co-funder: LabEx IMU
Partners: the GloUrb project includes 5 national partners ((EVS, GATE, ENS-LP, LEHNA, TETIS) and 7 international partners (WWF, Univ. of Denver and Syracuse (US), Concepción (Chile), Wuhan (China), Omar Bongo (Gabon) and IIT Gandhinagar (India)
Beginning: 01/11/2023
  • Multi-scalar and continuous description, segmentation and classification of river reaches within hydrographic networks
Thomas de Almeida
Scientific Leaders: Hervé Piégay, Stéphane Dray, Lise Vaudor
Laboratories: UMR 5600 EVS and UMR 5558LBBE
Co-funder: OFB
Partners: OFB, Utah State University, INRAE EcoFlows, UMR 5672 Laboratory of Physics, Laboratoire of Geomatics and Property CNAM
Beginning: 01/10/2023
  • Socio-environmental issues in urbanizing floodplains
    (The project is part of ANR GloUrb programme (2023-2026))
Liolja Bajemon
Scientific Leaders: Yves-François Le Lay, Lise Vaudor, Hervé Piégay
Laboratory: UMR 5600 EVS
Co-funder: LabEx IMU
Partners: the GloUrb project includes 5 national partners ((EVS, GATE, ENS-LP, LEHNA, TETIS) and 7 international partners (WWF, Univ. of Denver and Syracuse (US), Concepción (Chile), Wuhan (China), Omar Bongo (Gabon) and IIT Gandhinagar (India)
Beginning: 01/10/2023
  • Large river ecosystem integrity: from the ecological study of ecosystem processes to the analysis of their integration by managers under the constraint of climate change
Basile Cousin
Scientific Leaders: Sylvain Dolédec, Fanny Colas, Emeline Comby, Jean-Michel Olivier
Laboratory : LEHNA
Co-funder : Compagnie Nationale du Rhône
Partners : RhonEco, Département de l'Isère
Beginning: 01/09/2023
  • Elaboration of a multicriteria decision system to assess the impact of management strategies regarding nature-based stormwater control solutions
Emma Girot
Scientific Leader : Frédéric Cherqui
Laboratory: DEEP, INSA Lyon
Co-funder of the thesis grant: OFB
Partners : UMR RECOVER (INRAE Aix-Marseille University ), INRAE Strasbourg, Lyon Metropolis
Beginning : 01/09/2023
  • New concept of hydrological models for the water infiltration representation in nature-based solutions
Scientific Leaders : Gislain Lipeme (INSA Lyon), Laurent Lassabatère (ENTPE Lyon)
Laboratory: DEEP, LEHNA
Partners: University of Melbourne, OTHU
Extension of the thesis: 03/07/23 to 02/11/23

Start in 2022

  • Effects of floating solar panels on the ecosystem functioning of small artificial waterbodies (SOLEFA)
Paul Vouhé
Scientific Leader: Fanny Colas
Laboratory: LEHNA
Co-funder of the thesis grant: ADEME
Partners: OFB, CNR, ISARA, CETHIL, MIO, EcoFlow
Beginning: 01/11/2022
  • Minimizing greenhouse gas emissions in the Étangs de la Dombes region through development of best-management practices
Emma Mari
Scientific Leader: Bjoern Wissel
Laboratory: LEHNA
Co-funder of the thesis grant: Fondation Pierre Vérots
Partners: UMR 5600 EVS, ISARA
Beginning: 01/10/2022
  • Spatio-temporal dynamics of the aquatic vegetation: Effects of hydrodynamic and hydrological conditions.
Léo Rasse
Scientific Leader: Sara Pujalon
Laboratory: LEHNA
Co-funder of the thesis grant: EDF
Partners: UMR 5600 EVS, Laboratoire National d'Hydraulique et Environnement (LNHE)
Beginning: 22/08/2022
  • Imprint of ultramafic catchments and effects of mining activities on interstitial biodiversity of New Caledonia Rivers.
Samuel Mouron
Scientific Leader: Florian Malard
Laboratory: LEHNA
CIFRE thesis project submitted with Bio eKo
Partners: INRAE ETNA Grenoble, Bio eKo consultants Nouméa (Nouvelle-Calédonie)
Pre-Cifre: Mai 2022 à Septembre 2022
  • Characterization of tropical streams using benthic macroinvertebrate communities in the Hotte Biosphere Reserve: a biogeographic and functional approach.
Chevelie Cineas
Scientific Leader : Sylvain Dolédec
Laboratory : LEHNA
Co-funder of the thesis grant : Ambassade de France Haïti
Partners : Université d'Etat d'Haïti, Hotte Biosphere Reserve
Extension of the thesis : Feb 2022 to June 2022
Thesis defended on 21/09/2022
  • Impact of exogenous sources of bacterial taxa and chemical pollutants on river biofilm community coalescence dynamics and their virulence gene loads.
Angélique Dominguez Lage
Scientific Leader : Benoît Cournoyer
Laboratory : BPOE - UMR Ecologie Microbienne
Co-funder of the thesis grant : VetAgro Sup
Partners : INRAE, LEHNA, AERMC, Grand Lyon, SAGYRC
Beginning : 01/02/2022
  • Development of bio-indicators for groundwater quality in karstic ecosystems.
Lina Fabre
Scientific Leader : Florian Mermillod-Blondin
Laboratory : LEHNA
Co-funder of the thesis grant : Chambéry Métropole
Partners : UMR 5557 LEM, UMR 5280 ISA, UMR 5204 EDYTEM
Beginning : 01/02/2022
  • Looking at early stages of aquatic organisms to improve our understanding of ecological effects of hydropeaking.
Emmanuel Jaulin
Scientific Co-leaders : Maria Alp, Hervé Capra
Laboratory : EcoFlowS (RiverLy, INRAE)
Co-funder of the thesis grant : Carnot Institute
Partners : INRAE Lyon, INRAE Aix en Provence, UMR 5023 LEHNA, Water Agency Rhône Méditerranée Corse
Beginning : 01/01/2022

Start in 2021

  • Pollutions caused by urban floods: characterizing past events and experimental & numerical modeling of overflows from sewer systems and accidental pollutions.
Clément Fagour
Scientific Co-leaders : Sébastien Proust, Emmanuel Mignot
Beginning : 01/11/2021

Maylis Genouel
Scientific Co-leaders : Emeline Comby, Yves-François Le Lay
Beginning : 01/10/2021

Laboratories :UMR 5600 EVS, UMR 5509 LMFA, INRAE RiverLy
Co-funder of the two theses grants : Institut Convergence Ecole Urbaine de Lyon
Partners : Artelia (Olivier Bertrand), University of Liège (Benjamin Dewals)
  • Urban River Drownings: assisted rescue for victims in the Rhône and Saône rivers in Lyon.
Célia Maghakian
Scientific Co-leaders : Anne Honegger, Oldrich Navratil, Nicolas Rivière
Laboratories :UMR 5600 EVS, UMR 5509 LMFA
Co-funder of the thesis grant : LabEx IMU (in collaboration with the IMU studio "Baignades en rivières urbaines")
Partners : Service départemental et métropolitain d'incendie et de secours (SDMIS, Lt-Colonel S. Pontet, Lt J.-M. Zanot), INRAE RiverLy (J. Le Coz), University of Liège (B. Dewals), Centre de recherche de l'Ecole Nationale Supérieure de la Police (Dr P. Laclémence)
Beginning : 01/10/2021
Poster Video
  • BEESINT - Achieving Good Ecological Status of INTermittent Socio-ecosystems: a challenge at the crossroads of social, scientific and managers perceptions.
Stéphanie Vukélic
Scientific Co-leaders : Marylise Cottet, Yves François Le Lay
Laboratory : UMR 5600 EVS
Co-funder of the thesis grant : Agence de l'eau Rhône Méditerranée Corse, Office Français de la Biodiversité.
Partners : Thibaut Datry, Wouter van de Bund (JRC, leader of the Ecostat group), Andrew Boulton (University of New England, Australia), Julia Martin-Ortega (Leeds University)
Beginning : 01/03/2021
  • Impacts of dynamic, climate-driven water availability on tree water use and stress
Pierre Lochin
Scientific Co-leaders : Hervé Piegay, Michael Singer
Laboratory :UMR 5600 EVS, UC Santa Barbara
Co-funder of the thesis grant : University of California Santa Barbara
Partners : Remi Bogey (upper Rhône), Bernard Pont (middle Rhône), Julien Henry (delta), Michael Singer (Cardiff), Kelly Caylor (UCSB), John Stella (Syracuse), Laurent Simon (Lehna), F. Moatar (INRAE)
Beginning : 04/02/2021
Thesis defended on 03/07/2024
  • Comparative geoarchaeological study of the management of socio-environmental crises in arid/subarid tropical areas (Egypt, Yemen, Tunisia, 30-36° and 15-16° N) by historical hydraulic societies.
Mélanie Montalti
Scientific Leader : Jean-François Berger
Laboratory : UMR 5600 EVS
Co-funder of the thesis grant : ANR CRISIS
Partners : University of Limoges EA Criham, New York University, University of Naples Federico II, Politecnico di Milano, American University in Cairo, Géosciences M2-C University of Caen, UMR Archéorient (MOM-Lyon), Institut National du Patrimoine Tunis, CGMED Tunis, Museum d'Histoire Naturelle de Paris, INSAP Rabat, University of Geosciences of Rabat
Beginning : 01/02/2021

Start in 2020

  • Biogeochemical approach for the evaluation and improvement of a distributed hydrological model in periurban areas
Olivier Grandjouan
Scientific Co-leaders : Flora Branger, Marina Coquery
Laboratory : INRAE RiverLy (HYBV (hydrologie) et LAMA (chimie environmentale))
Co-funder of the thesis grant : INRAE
Partners : LEM (B. Cournoyer), IGE Grenoble (C. Duwig), UMR PACTE Grenoble (P. Dusseux), SAGYRC (C. Marcel), AERMC (S. Stroffek), Lyon Métropole (M. Hervé)
Beginning : 01/12/2020
Thesis defended on 22/03/2024
  • For resilient cities : development of operational tools for decentralized management of urban waters
Violetta Montoya Coronado
Scientific Co-leaders : H. Castebrunet (INSA), P. Molle et N. Forquet (INRAE) 
Co-funders of the thesis grant : Agence de l'eau Rhône Méditerranée Corse, Agence de l'eau Adour-Garonne
Partners : ARRAA / Grand Lyon / Syntea / OTHU.
Beginning : 01/10/2020
Thesis defended on 04/04/2024
Poster Video
  • Transfers and processes related to human and veterinary pharmaceutical residues and biocides from urban sludge and manure used as fertilizers
Noémie Pernin
Scientific Leader : Jean-Luc Bertrand-Krajewski
Laboratory : DEEP –EA 7429, INSA Lyon
Co-funder of the thesis grant : Agence de l'eau Rhône Méditerranée Corse
Partners : INRAE Narbonne (Dominique Patureau, PhD thesis co-director) / CNRS ISA Lyon (Laure Wiest) / INRAE Paris (Pierre Benoit, PhD thesis co-supervisor) / SM3A – Syndicat Mixte d’Aménagement de l’Arve et de ses Affluents (Claire Brivet et Liana Reuilly) / SRB – Syndicat des Eaux des Rocailles et de Bellecombe (Audrey Roch) / Chambre d’Agriculture Savoie Mont Blanc (Fabienne Ruin) / Graie (Elodie Brelot).
Beginning : 01/07/2020
Thesis defended on 12/03/2024
Video Poster
  • Advancing environmental flow science for intermittent river management
Mathis Messager
Scientific Leader : Thibault Datry
Laboratory : INRAE Riverly
Co-funder of the thesis grant : McGill University
Partners : B. Lehner (McGill University, Montreal, which cofunds the PhD). Committee: M. Kalacska, P. Döll., L. Vaudor. Doledec, N. Lamouroux
Current partners: African Parks, K. Tockner. Envisoned partners: A. Ruhi, J. King, J. Tonkin, R. Tharme, AERM&C, OFB, EdF
Beginning : 01/09/2020
Thesis defended on 10/06/2024
Video Poster

Start in 2019

  • Coupling LiDAR and hyperspectral imagery for characterising fluvial corridors
Julien Godfroy
Scientific Leader : Hervé Piegay
Laboratory : UMR 5600 EVS
Co-funder of the thesis grant : Agence de l'eau Rhône Méditerranée Corse
Partners : Syndicat de la Rivière d'Ain Aval et de ses Affluents (SR3A) / Warsaw University of Life Science / State University of New York - Syracuse (ESF) / Politecnico di Milano (GeoInformatics) / Université de Rennes (Géosciences)
Beginning : 04/11/2019
Thesis defended on 06/04/2023
  • Historical reanalysis of Rhone flows at Beaucaire : extreme floods and climatic variability of flows
Mathieu Lucas
Scientific Leader : Michel Lang
Laboratory : INRAE, UR RIVERLY
Co-funders of the thesis grant : Compagnie Nationale du Rhône, INRAE
Partners : Université Aix-Marseille (History) / ENS de Lyon (Geomorphologie) / Université de Berne (Historical climatology) / Syndicat mixte interrégional d'aménagement des digues du delta du Rhône et de la mer (Symadrem) / Direction régionale de l'Environnement, de l'Aménagement et du Logement (DREAL) Auvergne Rhône-Alpes
Beginning : 25/11/2019
Thesis defended on 03/07/23
  • Determinism of the development and toxicity of cyanobacterial biofilms in streams
Charlotte Robichon
Scientific Leader : Sylvain Doledec
Laboratory : LEHNA UMR 5023
Co-funder of the thesis grant : Fondation Pierre Vérots
Partners : Institut Supérieur d'Agriculture Rhône-Alpes (ISARA) / LMGE UMR 6023 / INRAE, Dynam Lyon / Agence de l'eau Rhône-Méditerranée / Syndicat de la Rivière d'Ain Aval et de ses Affluents (SR3A)
Beginning : 01/12/2019
Thesis defended on 21/12/2023

Extension of Post-doctoral Fellowship


  • Transformations in territorial public action on water in the face of climate change in the Mediterranean mid-mountain region.
Adrien Mollaret
Scientific leaders : Anne Honegger (EVS) and Sabine Girard (INRAE)
Laboratory : EVS
Partners : Université Lyon 3, INRAE RiverLy, INRAE Lessem, UMR G-Eau, UMR GAEL, UMR 5281 Art-Dev, Syndicat Mixte de la Rivière Drôme, Communauté de communes du Val de Drôme, Communauté de Communes du Diois, Syndicat Mixte des Bassins Hydrauliques de l'Isère, Association Biovallée
Duration : 01/09/24 to 31/10/25

  • Large wood dynamics in rivers
Borbala Hortobagyi
Scientific Leader: Hervé Piégay
Laboratory: EVS
Partners: Véodis-3D consultancy, Réserve Naturelle Régionale Loire Bourguignonne, University of Pavia (Italy), University of Hull (UK), OFB
Duration: 15/02/24 to 15/02/25


  • New indicators to monitor combined sewer overflow discharges and assess the ecological and sanitary outcomes on the receiving watercourses
Adrien Meynier Pozzi
Scientific Leader : Benoit Cournoyer
Laboratory : LEM
Partners : INRAE RiverLy, EVS, INSA DEEP, GRAIE, SAGYRC, Métropole de Lyon, AERMC
Duration : 01/06/23 TO 30/11/23
  • Restau’débat : Tools and methods for facilitating debates about river restoration
Marie Lusson
Scientific Leader : Maria Alp
Laboratory : INRAE RiverLy
Partners : INRAE Montpellier (G-EAU), University Lyon 2 CNRS UMR 5600
Duration : 01/01/23 to 30/06/23
  • Study of the mechanisms and performances of infiltration surfaces for treated wastewater effluents using woodchip-soil bioreactors
Pauline Louis
Scientific Leader : Rémi Clément
Co-funder : Ministry of Ecological Transition
Duration : 01/01/23 to 31/12/23


  • Wastewater treatment plant of the future: Capture and recovery of carbon from wastewater by high load biological process and chemically enhanced primary decantation - CAPTURE
Katharina Tondera
Scientific Leader : Pierre Buffière
Laboratory : INSA Lyon, DEEP
Duration : 01/04/22 to 30/09/22
  • Airborne thermal infrared imaging, a knowledge tool for rivers in a context of global changes
Baptiste Marteau
Scientific Leader : Hervé Piegay
Laboratory : EVS UMR 5600
Partners : INRAE Lyon, Université Gembloux University of Liege (BE), AgroCampus Ouest (Rennes), University Jean Monnet (St Etienne), LEHNA.
Duration : 15/02/22 to 14/08/22
  • Using an isotopic approach to estimate dispersal distances of aquatic insects
Mathieu Floury
Scientific Leader : Laurent Simon
Laboratory : LEHNA
Partners : INRAE RiverLy, AERMC, OFB, DREAL ARA.
Duration : 15/01/22 to 14/07/22


  • River characterisation at global scale
Barbara Belletti
Scientific Leader : Hervé Piegay
Laboratory : EVS UMR 5600
Partners : B. Kauffman, J.M. Olivier, S. Dolédec (Lehna), P. Jensen (ENS-LP), M. Cottet (EVS), Universities in India (V. Jain), in China (Z. Li), in New Zealand (J. Brasington), in the US (A. Chin), WWF Global Science (J. Oppermann), AERMC, CNR, GRAIE, OFB, Réserve Naturelle Allier.
Duration : 01/04/21 to 30/09/21
  • Toxicokinetic modelling for bioaccumulation of active substances within living organisms
Aude Ratier
Scientific Leader : Sandrine Charles
Laboratory : Modelling and Predictive Ecotoxicology team, Biometrics - Evolutionary Biology Laboratory (LBBE), UMR 5558 (CNRS), Claude Bernard Lyon I University
Partners : Dr Christelle LOPES - LBBE UMR5558 / Dr Vanessa MAZEROLLES - Head of environmental fate and ecotoxicology unit, ANSES -
Duration : 01/04/21 to 30/09/21


  • Stream Metabolism
Jacob Diamond
Scientific Leader : Gilles Pinay
Laboratory : INRAE Riverly
Partners : L. Simon (LEHNA) / H. Piégay (EVS) / C. Lécuyer (Lab. de Géologie Lyon) / F. Moatar, A. Chaumot (RiverLy) / M. Cohen (Univ. Florida, USA) / S. Bernal (CSIC Spain) / R. Sponseller (Univ. Umea Sweden) / G. Singer (Univ. Innsbruck, Austria) / D. Lewis (Univ. Tempa, USA)
Duration : 01/10/20 to 31/03/21
  • Ecological Sensitivity Distribution (ESD): integrating molecular-based structural and functional microbial community responses in a new tool for environmental risk assessment of chemicals
Floriane Larras
Scientific Leader : Marie-Laure Delignette-Muller
Laboratory : Laboratoire de Biométrie et de Biologie Evolutive (LBBE)
Partners :Dr Mechthild Schmitt-Jansen (UFZ, Leipzig) / Dr Stéphane Pesce (INRAE, Lyon) / Dr Elise Billoir (University of Lorraine, France)
Duration : 27/07/20 to 26/01/21

Student International Mobility


  • Study of the role of extracellular polymeric substances in the capture of organic matter in high-load, full-scale and pilot activated sludge processes
Zoé Fau, PhD student at INRAE REVERSAAL
Place of mobility : EAWAG, Zurich, Switzerland
Date : May to October 2023

  • Development of a reprotoxicity biotest in the American amphipod Hyalella azteca
Thalita Tieko Silva, PhD student at IPEN - University of Sao Paulo
Place of mobility : INRAE RiverLy
Date : 1st February 2023 to 31 January 2024

  • Infiltration and nanotracer monitoring experiments on an Australian infiltration basin
Gersende Fernandes, PhD student at LEHNA laboratory
As part of the INFILTRON project
Place of mobility : University of Melbourn, Australia
Date : 3 January to 15 June 2023


  • Model hybridization for reliable decision support
Sophie Guillaume, PhD student at INRAE REVERSAAL
As part of the MULTISOURCE project
Place of mobility : University of Girona, Catalan Institut for Water Research (ICRA, Spain)
Date : 1st September 2022 to 28 February 2023

  • Anticipating and managing pollution caused by flooding in Quebec
Maïlys Genouel, PhD student at EVS laboratory
Place of mobility : InterSectorial Flood Network of Quebec (RIISQ), Canada
Date : 15 August to 15 December 2022
  • Summer school // Landscapes of the Rhône Valley: From Archaen to the Anthropocene
Hosting of 12 students and 3 supervisors from the University of Colorado Denver in Lyon. H2O'Lyon students are invited to the opening and closing evening of the summer school.
Place of mobility : ENS Lyon
Date : 23 May to 4 June 2022
  • Intensive Course in Soil Micromorphology
Mélanie Montalti, PhD student at EVS Laboratory
Place of mobility : University of Lleida, Catalonia
Date : 09 to 20 May 2022

  • Analysis of observations and numerical hydraulic modelling on the Spöl river (Switzerland)
Titouan Tourneret, Mechanical Engineering student, INSA Lyon
Place of mobility : UNIL, Lausanne, Suisse
Date : 04 April to 24 June 2022


  • Treatment and/or recovery of secondary flows at wastewater treatment plants: from measurement to modelling
Perrine Devos, PhD student at INRAE REVERSAAL
Place of mobility : CEIT, San Sebastian, Spain
Date : April to October 2021

Resident Researchers

Fellows 2023-2024

Fellows 2022-2023

Fellows 2021-2022

Fellows 2020-2021

Innovative Courses and Resources


► Collective work OTHU : Urban Stormwater Management

This book is written under the direction of GRAIE and the DEEP laboratory, INSA Lyon. It consists of 44 articles based on more than 20 years of observation and research by more than 60 scientists and water management professionals.
H2O'Lyon is pleased to contribute to this project, both through the scientific editors from the H2O'Lyon community, and for the publication of the book.
Free download (book in French)

► Field course : Geoarcheology and continental hydrosystems

Internship proposed within the framework of the Géonum (Digital Geographies) master's degree for the academic year 2022-2023.
This is an original approach to training through research, as students will have the opportunity to immerse themselves in an interdisciplinary research project, to carry out fieldwork and to experiment with acquisition techniques and innovative methodologies during their M1 and M2.

In order to do this, a flipped pedagogy will be implemented: M1 and M2 students will be integrated simultaneously in this field placement. During M1, students will discover the project, the field, the implications, acquire initial data and observe the M2 students who will attempt to answer the research question. A feedback seminar with the M1 and M2 students is planned.

The research project associated with this teaching approach is "Trajectories of fluvial socio-systems in the Paleo-anthropocene", supported by the EUR H2O'Lyon.

Length : September 2022 to February 2023