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List of doctors with H2O'Lyon Certification
Year | Doctor's name | Thesis title | Doctoral School | Laboratory | Defence date | Thesis Director |
2023 | Vincent Pons | The future of green infrastructure: from climate data to informed hydrological performance | 162 MEGA | DEEP INSA Lyon et NTNU | 22/06/23 | Jean-Luc Bertrand Krajewski, DEEP INSA Lyon ; Edvard Sivertsen & Tone Merete Muthanna |
2023 | Perrine Devos | Sidestream treatment and recovery in wastewater treatment plants | 206 Chemistry, processes, environmental | INRAE REVERSAAL | 21/09/23 | Sylvie Gillot, INRAE |
2023 | Julien Godfroy | Coupling LiDAR and hyperspectral data to characterize fluvial corridors | 483 Sociale Science | UMR 5600 EVS | 06/04/23 | Hervé Piégay, ENS CNRS Lyon |
2023 | Mohammad Wazne | Distribution of microplastics in river sediments and consequences on bioturbation associated ecosystem processes | 341 E2M2 | UMR 5023 LEHNA | 14/09/23 | Florian Mermillod-Blondin, LEHNA |
2022 | Juliette Becquet | Impacts of hydrological alterations on macroinvertebrates in alpine streams. | 341 E2M2 | INRAE RiverLy | 05/10/22 | Nicolas Lamouroux, INRAE Lyon |
2022 | Camille Banc | Organic matter and inorganic contaminant interactions in nature-based water treatment solution deposits. An approach combining ultrafiltration-modeling | 206 Chemistry, Processes, Environmental | DEEP INSA Lyon | 15/10/21 | Rémy Gourdon, INSA Lyon |
2022 | Kévin Maciejewski | Wastewater treatment in vertical flow constructed wetlands. Dynamic study of nitrogen in the stages of the process and denitrification constraints. | 206 Chemistry, Processes, Environmental | DEEP INSA Lyon | 12/07/22 | Rémy Gourdon, INSA Lyon |
2022 | Anne-Lise Boyer | From the oasis-city to the desert-city. Urban adaptation to water scarcity in Phoenix and Tucson (Arizona) | 483 Social Science | UMR 5600 EVS | 15/12/20 | Pascal Marty, Université Paris 1, Maison française d'Oxford |
2022 | Silvia Flaminio | Representation of dams : infrastructures, concessions and controversies | 483 Social Science | Biogeophily UMR 5600 EVS | 30/11/18 | Hervé Piégay, CNRS, ENS Lyon |
2021 | Nathalie Lecrivain | Study of the contamination and the corresponding ecotoxicology of the surficial sediments in lake littoral zone | 206 Chemistry, Processes, Environmental | LEHNA, ENTPE | 08/03/19 | Bernard Clément, ENTPE |
2021 | Lucie Pinasseau | Development and use of passive sampling for mass spectrometric analysis of emerging organic pollutants in aquatic subsurface systems | 206 Chemistry, Processes, Environment | Institut des Sciences Analytiques - UMR 5280 | 14/10/20 | Emmanuelle Vulliet, Université Lyon 1 |
2020 | Hossein Ghaffarian Roohparvar | Study of driftwood dynamics in rivers for hazard assessment | MEGA | Laboratory LMFA | 15/11/19 | Nicolas Rivière, INSA Lyon |
2020 | Rémi Loire | From flushing flows to (eco)morphogenic flow releases : evolving terminology, practice, and integration into regulated river management | 483 Social Science | ENS Lyon | 06/09/19 | Hervé Piegay, ENS CNRS Lyon |
2020 | Emmanuel Guillerme | Turning halite fluid inclusions into accurate paleothermometers with Brillouin spectroscopy – development of a new method and application to the Last Interglacial in the Dead Sea | PHAST | LGL-TPE (UMR 5276) et ILM (UMR 5306) | 06/12/19 | Frédéric Caupin, Université Lyon 1 |