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List of doctors with H2O'Lyon Certification

Year Doctor's name Thesis title Doctoral School Laboratory Defence date Thesis Director
2023 Vincent Pons The future of green infrastructure: from climate data to informed hydrological performance
162 MEGA DEEP INSA Lyon et NTNU 22/06/23 Jean-Luc Bertrand Krajewski, DEEP INSA Lyon ; Edvard Sivertsen & Tone Merete Muthanna
2023 Perrine Devos Sidestream treatment and recovery in wastewater treatment plants
206 Chemistry, processes, environmental INRAE REVERSAAL 21/09/23 Sylvie Gillot, INRAE
2023 Julien Godfroy Coupling LiDAR and hyperspectral data to characterize fluvial corridors 483 Sociale Science UMR 5600 EVS 06/04/23 Hervé Piégay, ENS CNRS Lyon
2023 Mohammad Wazne Distribution of microplastics in river sediments and consequences on bioturbation associated ecosystem processes 341 E2M2 UMR 5023 LEHNA 14/09/23 Florian Mermillod-Blondin, LEHNA
2022 Juliette Becquet Impacts of hydrological alterations on macroinvertebrates in alpine streams. 341 E2M2 INRAE RiverLy 05/10/22 Nicolas Lamouroux, INRAE Lyon
2022 Camille Banc Organic matter and inorganic contaminant interactions in nature-based water treatment solution deposits. An approach combining ultrafiltration-modeling 206 Chemistry, Processes, Environmental DEEP INSA Lyon 15/10/21 Rémy Gourdon, INSA Lyon
2022 Kévin Maciejewski Wastewater treatment in vertical flow constructed wetlands. Dynamic study of nitrogen in the stages of the process and denitrification constraints. 206 Chemistry, Processes, Environmental DEEP INSA Lyon 12/07/22 Rémy Gourdon, INSA Lyon
2022 Anne-Lise Boyer From the oasis-city to the desert-city. Urban adaptation to water scarcity in Phoenix and Tucson (Arizona) 483 Social Science UMR 5600 EVS 15/12/20 Pascal Marty, Université Paris 1, Maison française d'Oxford
2022 Silvia Flaminio Representation of dams : infrastructures, concessions and controversies 483 Social Science Biogeophily UMR 5600 EVS 30/11/18 Hervé Piégay, CNRS, ENS Lyon
2021 Nathalie Lecrivain Study of the contamination and the corresponding ecotoxicology of the surficial sediments in lake littoral zone 206 Chemistry, Processes, Environmental LEHNA, ENTPE 08/03/19 Bernard Clément, ENTPE
2021 Lucie Pinasseau Development and use of passive sampling for mass spectrometric analysis of emerging organic pollutants in aquatic subsurface systems 206 Chemistry, Processes, Environment Institut des Sciences Analytiques - UMR 5280 14/10/20 Emmanuelle Vulliet, Université Lyon 1
2020 Hossein Ghaffarian Roohparvar Study of driftwood dynamics in rivers for hazard assessment MEGA Laboratory LMFA 15/11/19 Nicolas Rivière, INSA Lyon
2020 Rémi Loire From flushing flows to (eco)morphogenic flow releases : evolving terminology, practice, and integration into regulated river management 483 Social Science ENS Lyon 06/09/19 Hervé Piegay, ENS CNRS Lyon
2020 Emmanuel Guillerme Turning halite fluid inclusions into accurate paleothermometers with Brillouin spectroscopy – development of a new method and application to the Last Interglacial in the Dead Sea PHAST LGL-TPE (UMR 5276) et ILM (UMR 5306) 06/12/19 Frédéric Caupin, Université Lyon 1