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UE2 Inter and transdisciplinarity
Credit hour | 3 |
Emeline Comby (
The objective of this course is to understand how interdisciplinary or transdisciplinary approaches can be implemented to analyze the processes and changes experienced by water.
This course will first address the theoretical knowledge on interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity, different conceptualizations and models of reality (Cartesian model, systemic approach ...). This course will also emphasize epistemological positions at the interface between several disciplines such as political ecology, ecotoxicology or ecohydrology.
Students will conduct semi-structured interviews with leaders of inter or transdisciplinary projects. The aim will be to understand why, when and how actors implement these types of approaches and the advantages, difficulties and even limitations that they have faced. Case studies of the H2O’Lyon consortium such as the Field Observatory in Urban Hydrology (OTHU), the Observatory of Human and Environments in the Rhone Valley (OHM Vallée du Rhône) or the Long-Term Ecosystem Research on the Rhone watershed (ZABR) will be studied.
In addition to these lectures and praticals, collaborative work will be experimented with serious games and participatory methods, especially for research. Various consultation techniques such as timeline, world café or participatory mapping will be used to understand why they can be useful for an integrated river management involving different actors.
This course will first address the theoretical knowledge on interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity, different conceptualizations and models of reality (Cartesian model, systemic approach ...). This course will also emphasize epistemological positions at the interface between several disciplines such as political ecology, ecotoxicology or ecohydrology.
Students will conduct semi-structured interviews with leaders of inter or transdisciplinary projects. The aim will be to understand why, when and how actors implement these types of approaches and the advantages, difficulties and even limitations that they have faced. Case studies of the H2O’Lyon consortium such as the Field Observatory in Urban Hydrology (OTHU), the Observatory of Human and Environments in the Rhone Valley (OHM Vallée du Rhône) or the Long-Term Ecosystem Research on the Rhone watershed (ZABR) will be studied.
In addition to these lectures and praticals, collaborative work will be experimented with serious games and participatory methods, especially for research. Various consultation techniques such as timeline, world café or participatory mapping will be used to understand why they can be useful for an integrated river management involving different actors.