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Water Week 2025
From March 17, 2025 to March 21, 2025
Remote and face-to-face events
From 17 to 21 March 2024, the H2O'Lyon Graduate School and its partners are organizing an open university week to coincide with World Water Day on 22 March.
This year, we will dive into key water-related issues, from large-scale pressures on rivers to stormwater management. Researchers and students will share their insights to help us better understand scientific challenges and emerging solutions.
A rich programme to explore the diversity of approaches and encourage discussions. Join us in person or online for seminars, workshops, site visits ...
Events open to all, bringing together researchers, students, water professionals and the general public.
Registration is free and mandatory

Come and get an exclusive preview of the Rivers and Cities e-learning program, set to launch in French at the end of April 2025, followed by English and Spanish in the fall. This session will feature an in-depth presentation of the course content and a discussion with the instructors.
With Hervé Piégay (EVS, ENS de Lyon) and Gislain Lipeme-Kouyi (DEEP, INSA de Lyon)
Webinar in French
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An international webinar as part of the ANR GloUrb project and the LabEx IMU.
With Michelle Thieme (WWF, USA), Matt Kondolf (University of California, Berkeley), Mathis Messager (INRAE Riverly, Lyon), Fanny Bourgeau (EVS, ENS de Lyon).
Information and programme
Webinar in French and English with live translation

In partnership with Pop'Science.
Secondary school classes will have the opportunity to meet a scientist, learn about their work, and gain a deeper understanding of how scientific knowledge is developed.
Maison du Livre, de l'Image et du Son, Villeurbanne

Artificial Intelligence is transforming water science research, from data analysis to the management of aquatic environments. But what are its benefits and limitations? How do future professionals perceive its impact?
Students from the ‘Integrated Watershed Sciences’ master's programme will share their perspectives by presenting a literature review, their work with generative IA, and a case study on river systems, illustrated by Paul Audisio (PhD student at ENS Lyon).
Webinar in French with live translation into English.

A full day dedicated to the scientific and training activities of the graduate school H2O'Lyon, aimed at fostering idea exchange and shaping the future
For scientists, teachers, students and all those involved in the world of water.

Based on the concept of my thesis in 180 seconds, PhD students from the H2O'Lyon community will come to present their chosen subject and discuss it with managers and professionals from the water field.
Webinar in French
Information & Programme

This second webinar on the use of artificial intelligence for water sciences will present concrete examples of applications in the monitoring of pollutants, the evolution of the shape of watercourses and mapping work..
Webinar in French and English with live translation

A rich programme to explore the diversity of approaches and encourage discussions. Join us in person or online for seminars, workshops, site visits ...
Events open to all, bringing together researchers, students, water professionals and the general public.
Registration is free and mandatory
Lu 17.03
Webinar - Preview of the e-learning "Rivers & Cities" // 11h - 12h
Come and get an exclusive preview of the Rivers and Cities e-learning program, set to launch in French at the end of April 2025, followed by English and Spanish in the fall. This session will feature an in-depth presentation of the course content and a discussion with the instructors.
With Hervé Piégay (EVS, ENS de Lyon) and Gislain Lipeme-Kouyi (DEEP, INSA de Lyon)
Webinar in French
Download flyer
Webinar "Pressures and large-scale impacts on rivers and associated ecosystems" // 16h - 18h
An international webinar as part of the ANR GloUrb project and the LabEx IMU.
With Michelle Thieme (WWF, USA), Matt Kondolf (University of California, Berkeley), Mathis Messager (INRAE Riverly, Lyon), Fanny Bourgeau (EVS, ENS de Lyon).
Information and programme
Webinar in French and English with live translation
Ma 18.03
Meeting "Inside the minds of researchers" // 10h - 12h
In partnership with Pop'Science.
Secondary school classes will have the opportunity to meet a scientist, learn about their work, and gain a deeper understanding of how scientific knowledge is developed.
Maison du Livre, de l'Image et du Son, Villeurbanne
Webinar "Students' views on AI for Water Sciences" // 17h - 18h30
Artificial Intelligence is transforming water science research, from data analysis to the management of aquatic environments. But what are its benefits and limitations? How do future professionals perceive its impact?
Students from the ‘Integrated Watershed Sciences’ master's programme will share their perspectives by presenting a literature review, their work with generative IA, and a case study on river systems, illustrated by Paul Audisio (PhD student at ENS Lyon).
Webinar in French with live translation into English.
Me 19.03
Visit to the Doua Eco-campus: how is managed stormwater? // 9h - 10h30
The LyonTech-La Doua campus is a true open-air laboratory. Join us to explore the innovative solutions implemented for sustainable stormwater management, including swale, permeable pavement and green-roof. You’ll also discover how these initiatives are being studied by researchers as part of the OTHU observatory.
With Nicolas Walcker, OTHU Technical Manager.
Campus de la Doua, 43 boulevard du 11 novembre 1918, 69100 Villeurbanne
With Nicolas Walcker, OTHU Technical Manager.
Campus de la Doua, 43 boulevard du 11 novembre 1918, 69100 Villeurbanne
Je 20.03
H2O'Lyon Annual Meeting // 9h - 17h30
A full day dedicated to the scientific and training activities of the graduate school H2O'Lyon, aimed at fostering idea exchange and shaping the future
For scientists, teachers, students and all those involved in the world of water.
Manufacture des Tabacs, Université Lyon 3, 6 rue Rollet, 69008 Lyon
Information & Programme
Ve 21.03
Webinar "Les pieds dans l'eau : du laboratoire au terrain, partageons nos savoirs" with Réseau Rivières // 10h30 - 12h
Based on the concept of my thesis in 180 seconds, PhD students from the H2O'Lyon community will come to present their chosen subject and discuss it with managers and professionals from the water field.
Webinar in French
Information & Programme
Webinar "AI for Water Sciences: from theory to practice // 14h - 15h30
This second webinar on the use of artificial intelligence for water sciences will present concrete examples of applications in the monitoring of pollutants, the evolution of the shape of watercourses and mapping work..
- Emma Schymanski (University of Luxembourg) - Exploring water contamination with open cheminformatics approaches
- Pierre Lemaire (Styx4D) - Characterizing the river sediment grain sizes at Large-Scale using Aerial Imagery
- Nicolas Baghdadi (INRAE, UMR Tetis) - Satellite imagery for soil moisture estimation and irrigated area mapping
Webinar in French and English with live translation