
Water Week 2022

From March 21, 2022 to March 26, 2022

Online and in person.

From 21 to 26 March 2022, the Lyon Urban School, the H2O'Lyon Graduate School and their partners are organising a water week on the theme of groundwater, to match Unesco's World Water Day: an exciting programme in person or online, consisting of webinars, workshops, seminars, performance art, etc. Register now!

Groundwater, making the invisible visible

The Lyon Urban School (EUL), the graduate school H2O'Lyon and their partners are offering a week of events on the water cycle, to better understand the issues surrounding this resource, which is necessary for all life on earth and in a context of strong human impact and global change.

For this first edition, we propose a programme on groundwater, the theme of World Water Day 2022. An invisible resource but whose impact is visible everywhere and whose management and awareness is a major issue for the future.

We will discuss the vital role of groundwater, awareness of its importance, the notion of urban permeability/infiltration, green/blue networks, biodiversity of these ecosystems with examples of national and international research and innovation.

In addition to these reflections, we propose an associated programme (in orange) on other aspects of the water cycle and our relationship and impact on this resource.

Registration is free and compulsory (see links after the Programme)
Webinars are in simultaneous French-English translation.

The webinars can be taken into account in the training courses of the E2M2 and Chemistry of Lyon Doctoral schools








10.30 // Opening

AdrianTorres-Astaburuaga (EUL) and Claire-Lise Meyer (H2O'Lyon)
Location : Hôtel 71 - 71 quai Perrache 69002 Lyon

11.00 // Panel discussion : from hostility to hospitality
               by the Chaire Valeurs du Soin

Moderated by : Juliette Michel (EUL) and Maria Grace Salamanca (EUL)
Guests :
• Pénélope Duval (EUL)
• Sandrine Charles (LBBE, University Lyon 1)
• Nicolas Lechopier (Faculty of medecine Lyon Est, University Lyon 1)
• Collectif LALCA
Location : Hôtel 71 - 71 quai Perrache 69002 Lyon

16.30 // Webinar #1 Groundwater and drinking water

The Crépieux-Charmy groundwater exploitation field: management and preservation issues, Laurence Volatier (LEHNA, ENTPE), Lucie Pinasseau (LEHNA, University Lyon 1), Anne Perrissin (City of Lyon) and Frédéric Morand (Eau du Grand lyon)
Making the invisible visible: the Santa Cruz River restoration projects in Arizona, Anne-Lise Boyer (EVS, ENS Lyon)
Managed aquifers recharge for sustainable water supply in coastal areas: recent exemples from the Netherlands, Teun van Dooren (KWR Water Research Institute, Netherlands)

18.00 // "Ballade sensible, heure bleue d'équinoxe" (Sensitive ballad, blue
               equinox hour) by the Chaire Valeurs du Soin

Claire Harpet (EVS, University Lyon 3), Patrick Mathon (Lyon City Treck),
Musician : Lionel Martin


10.00 // Action - Soaps of Gerland distribution by LALCA

Location : Bains douches de Gerland - 13 rue Benjamin Delessert 69007 Lyon

13.00 // FR BioEEnviS Webinar

Biodiversity in Alpine rivers, what future with the retreat of glaciers? Sophie Cauvy-Fraunié (INRAE RiverLy, Lyon)
In collaboration with ZABR

14.00 // Performance art- "Siestes sonores" (sleep concert) by LALCA

Location : Bains douches de Gerland - 13 rue Benjamin Delessert 69007 Lyon

16.30 // Webinar #2 Groundwater and run-off water

Management of stormwater runoff in urban areas: impact of centralised infiltration systems on groundwater, Florian Mermillod-Blondin (LEHNA, University Lyon 1)
Lyon, a permeable city, Hervé Caltran (City of Lyon)
Characterisation of groundwater-surface water interactions: interdisciplinary methodology and knowledge transfer, Frédéric Paran (Mines Saint-Etienne)


11.00 // Webinar :"Les pieds dans l'eau #3 : du laboratoire au terrain partageons
               nos savoirs" (feet in the water : from the laboratory to the field, let's
               share our knowledge) with RRTV

Impact of plastics and additives on microbial communities and primary consumption, Camille Touchet (LEHNA, University Lyon 1)
Impact of hydrological alteration on mountain aquatic ecosystems in the French Alps, Juliette Becquet (INRAE Riverly, TEREO)
(Eco-)hydromorphological trajectories of restored and unrestored side channels of the Rhône: a multi-technique approach for the development of management tools, Nicolas Tissot (EVS, ENS Lyon)

14.30 // Lecture-Performance : "Les mots d'eau, l'eau dans tous ses états" (Water
                words, water in all its forms) by LALCA

Location: public library of Gerland - 34 rue Jacques Monod 69007 Lyon

16.30 // Webinar #3 Groundwater and wastewater

Irrigation using wastewater: an issue of social acceptability for farmers and consumers, but not only..., Patrice Garin (UMR G-eau, Montpellier)
Micropollutants in water related to health care: origins, impacts and solutions, Elodie Brelot (Graie, Villeurbanne)
Valorisation of wastewater resources in Geneva: urine-based fertiliser and toilet without drinking water, ANECO-Coopérative équilibre (Geneva, Switzerland)


11.00 // Webinare #4 Groundwater and run-off water

Natural stormwater management in urban areas to preserve both ground and surface water, Christian Piel (Urban Water, Paris)
Digital water city project: innovative technology for water quality forecasting in Paris region, Sofia Housni (SIAAP, Paris)
Urban hydromorphological record: a tool for the futur? Adrian Torres-Astaburuaga (EUL)

14.30 // Soap making workshop at ISARA by LALCA

Location: ISARA - 23 rue Jean Baldassini 69007 Lyon

16.30 // Webinar #5 Groundwater and irrigation water

Irrigation and water governance, Carles Sanchis Ibor (Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Spain)
What perspective for irrigated family farms in oasis and mountain areas on the outskirts of large cities? Thierry Ruf (IRD, Montpellier)
At the crossroads of disciplinary fields: the aflaj omani under the gaze of archaeologists, geomorphologists and hydrologists, Pia le Cauchois (INSA Lyon) and Corinne Castel (Archéorient, Lyon)
Water retention and nutrient recycling in soils and watercourses for agriculture, Miklas Scholz (WATERAGRI H2020 EU project, University of Lund, Sweden)



11.00 // Webinar IMU

Social activities and urban pollution: impact on the structure of bacterial diversity, Claire Mandon (INSA Lyon, EVS) and Rayan Bouchali (LEM, University Lyon 1)


In person events:

Location: Petit théâtre du Musée Gadagne - 1 place du petit Collège 69005 Lyon

14.00 // Guided visit "Les pieds dans l'eau" (Feet in the water) (limited registration)

15.00 // Groundwater and biodiversity

Christophe Douady (LEHNA, University Lyon 1)

15.45 // Roundtable discussion: the visible and the invisible

Moderated by Adrian Torres-Astaburuaga (EUL)
Guests :
• Christophe Douady (LEHNA, University Lyon 1)
• Emeline Comby (EVS, Université Lyon 2)
• Sandrine Charles (LBBE, Université Lyon 1)
• Florent Ottello (LALCA, Lyon)
• Thierry Ruf (IRD, Montpellier)
• Christian Piel (Urban Water, Paris)

17.00 // Cocktail closing


