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Thesis Defence // Olivier Granjouan
On The March 22, 2024
ISA, salle séminaire, 5 rue de la Doua 69100 Villeurbanne
We are delighted to invite you to the defence of Olivier Grandjouan, whose thesis is supported and co-funded by the H2O'Lyon Graduate School.
Biogeochemical approach for the evaluation and improvement of a distributed hydrological model in periurban areas.Abstract
H2O'Lyon scientific leaders
Flora Branger, Matthieu Masson
INRAE RiverLy (HYBV (hydrologie) et LAMA (chimie environmentale))
Co-funder of the thesis grant
- LEM (B. Cournoyer),
- IGE Grenoble (C. Duwig),
- UMR PACTE Grenoble (P. Dusseux),
- SAGYRC (C. Marcel),
- AERMC (S. Stroffek),
- Lyon Métropole (M. Hervé)