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Thesis Defence // Noémie Pernin
On The March 12, 2024
Face-to-face and remotely
INSA Lyon, 403 rue des Humanités 69100 Villeurbanne, salle René Char.
INSA Lyon, 403 rue des Humanités 69100 Villeurbanne, salle René Char.
We are delighted to invite you to the defence of Noémie Pernin, whose thesis is supported and co-funded by the H2O'Lyon Graduate School .
Transfers and processes related to human and veterinary pharmaceutical residues and biocides from urban sludge and manure used as fertilizers.Abstract
H2O'Lyon Scientific Leader
Jean-Luc Bertrand-Krajewski
Co-funder of the thesis grant
- INRAE Narbonne (Dominique Patureau, co-director of the thesis)
- CNRS ISA Lyon (Laure Wiest)
- INRAE Paris (Pierre Benoit, PhD thesis co-supervisor)
- SM3A – Syndicat Mixte d’Aménagement de l’Arve et de ses Affluents (Claire Brivet et Liana Reuilly)
- SRB – Syndicat des Eaux des Rocailles et de Bellecombe (Audrey Roch)
- Chambre d’Agriculture Savoie Mont Blanc (Fabienne Ruin) / Graie (Elodie Brelot).
How to get there
RemotelyZoom link upcoming