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H2O'Lyon Webinar #8 // Mark Macklin
On The September 13, 2021
Knowledge from Sedimentary Archives to Feed the Global Change Debate
Mark Macklin, Professor, University of Lincoln, United Kingdom
This 8th webinar is organised jointly with GRAIE and ZABR as part of the launch of the 4th I.S. Rivers conference which will take place from 4 to 7 july 2022.
► Knowledge from Sedimentary Archives to Feed the Global Change Debate
"An understanding of short and long-term sediment dynamics in river systems is paramount for modelling and predicting the dispersal, storage and remobilisation sediment-associated contaminants. A knowledge of river channel and floodplain sediment dynamics additionally underpin many process-based trajectories for the creation, or recreation, of riverine habitats that are important for ecosystem health and functionality, including water related diseases such as malaria. Fluvial sedimentary archives also contain records of past floods that can be used to inform and improve flood risk management. Building on these three pillars of river sediment science, opportunities and requirements for interdisciplinary studies are considered to inform adaptation in the current climate and planetary crises. Priorities centred on the impacts of global metal mining, antimicrobial resistance, rewilding and terraforming emerge."
Professor Mark Macklin is Distinguished Professor of River Systems and Global Change and Founding Director of the Lincoln Centre for Water and Planetary Health, University of Lincoln, UK. He is multi-award-winning physical geographer, including the 2018 Murchison award from the Royal Geographical Society “for pioneering research in fluvial geomorphology and its environmental applications”, and holds adjunct professorships at Massey University, New Zealand, and the Centre for the Inland, La Trobe University, Australia.
Mark is an authority on long-term human-river environment interactions, flood-risk assessment, metal mining pollution and its impact on ecosystems, the hydrological controls of malaria, and has published over 400 peer-reviewed articles (Google Scholar: h-index 74 – 15,382 citations). He conducts his research worldwide with ongoing projects in Australia, Kazakhstan, New Zealand, Romania, Sudan, Tanzania, Zambia and the UK