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H2O'Lyon Webinar #2 // David John Milan
On The December 10, 2020
at 5.00 pm (Paris time)
Webinar only
Understanding Geomorphic Response of Upland River Systems to Extreme Floods in a Changing Climate: the Case of Thinhope Burn, UK
Speaker :
Dr David John Milan, Senior Lecturer in Physical Geography, University of Hull (UK)
The graduate school H2O'Lyon is pleased to invite Dr David Milan for its second webinar to talk about "Understanding geomorphic response of upland river systems to extreme floods in a changing climate: the case of Thinhope Burn, UK". Dr David Milan is hosted by the Collegium de Lyon from Sept 2020 to June 2021 with a co-funding of H2O'Lyon.
Extreme rainfall events can result in dynamic responses to upland river systems; activating the sediment system at the catchment-scale, increasing sediment transport, and initiating channel morphological change. This webinar focuses on the dramatic response of Thinhope Burn, a headwater tributary to the River South Tyne, UK, to a large flood in the summer of 2007. Modelling and field studies, conducted over the last 13 yrs, suggest that once upland river systems are activated, many may not recover in a wetter climatic regime, hence having implications for future gravel management for flood defence in upland rivers in the UK
The lecture will last about 40 mins followed by a 20 mins Q&A.
David's research is focused at the interface between fluvial geomorphology and freshwater ecology. It aims to tackle issues related to the effects of changing flow and sediment supply regimes upon river habitat quality, in response to climate change and human activities.
David has a particular interest in the application of new technologies to address river science problems. His work using terrestrial LiDAR demonstrates how the technology can be used to provide improved assessments of bed roughness and grain-size at the reach-scale, assess rapid morphological change in dynamic proglacial rivers, and map river habitat.
Dr David John Milan, Senior Lecturer in Physical Geography, University of Hull (UK)
Understanding geomorphic response of upland river systems to extreme floods in a changing climate: the case of Thinhope Burn, UK
The graduate school H2O'Lyon is pleased to invite Dr David Milan for its second webinar to talk about "Understanding geomorphic response of upland river systems to extreme floods in a changing climate: the case of Thinhope Burn, UK". Dr David Milan is hosted by the Collegium de Lyon from Sept 2020 to June 2021 with a co-funding of H2O'Lyon.
Extreme rainfall events can result in dynamic responses to upland river systems; activating the sediment system at the catchment-scale, increasing sediment transport, and initiating channel morphological change. This webinar focuses on the dramatic response of Thinhope Burn, a headwater tributary to the River South Tyne, UK, to a large flood in the summer of 2007. Modelling and field studies, conducted over the last 13 yrs, suggest that once upland river systems are activated, many may not recover in a wetter climatic regime, hence having implications for future gravel management for flood defence in upland rivers in the UK
The lecture will last about 40 mins followed by a 20 mins Q&A.
David's research is focused at the interface between fluvial geomorphology and freshwater ecology. It aims to tackle issues related to the effects of changing flow and sediment supply regimes upon river habitat quality, in response to climate change and human activities.
David has a particular interest in the application of new technologies to address river science problems. His work using terrestrial LiDAR demonstrates how the technology can be used to provide improved assessments of bed roughness and grain-size at the reach-scale, assess rapid morphological change in dynamic proglacial rivers, and map river habitat.