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Geography, Canada>
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Université du Québec à Chicoutimi (UQAC)
Research topics
Maxime Boivin is a geography professor specialising in hydrogeomorphology at the Université du Québec à Chicoutimi.
He is also head of the laboratory for expertise and research in applied geography (LERGA), co-titular of the research chair on exploited aquatic species (CREAE), co-director of Axe 1: Réseau Inondations Intersectoriel du Québec (RIISQ), and a regular member of the Centre de recherche sur la Boréalie (CREB).
During his stay in Lyon, he will be hosted by the EVS laboratory and will work in collaboration with researchers and practitioners from the H2O'Lyon community on large wood in rivers : from dendrochemistry to the perception of wood in rivers, via river restoration.
He is also head of the laboratory for expertise and research in applied geography (LERGA), co-titular of the research chair on exploited aquatic species (CREAE), co-director of Axe 1: Réseau Inondations Intersectoriel du Québec (RIISQ), and a regular member of the Centre de recherche sur la Boréalie (CREB).
During his stay in Lyon, he will be hosted by the EVS laboratory and will work in collaboration with researchers and practitioners from the H2O'Lyon community on large wood in rivers : from dendrochemistry to the perception of wood in rivers, via river restoration.
Host laboratory
- UMR 5600 EVS
Length of stay
- From September 1st, 2025 to June 30th, 2026
- Geomorphological mapping
- Physical geography
- Rivers
- Soil erosion
- Environment
- Spatial analysis
- Hydrology
- Building
- Hydrologic and water resource
- Environmental impact assessment