Annual Events
H2O'Lyon Annual Meeting
- 202520 MAR
A full day event focusing on the graduate school's scientific and training activities, with the aim of exchanging ideas and building for the future.
- 202421 MAR
A full day event focusing on the graduate school's scientific and training activities, with the aim of exchanging ideas and building for the future.
- 202215 NOV
This day is addressed to :
- Scientists, professors and students involved, or curious, in the field of water and hydrosystems sciences
- Water professionals, territorial stakeholders (local authorities, associations managing environments, State services, etc.), technical and industrial stakeholders (engineering office, companies) - 202125 NOV
This day is addressed to :
- Water professionals, territorial stakeholders (local authorities, associations managing environments, State services, etc.), technical and industrial stakeholders (engineering office, companies)
- Scientists, professors and students involved, or curious, in the field of water and hydrosystems sciences - 202015 OCT
This day is addressed to :
- Water professionals, territorial stakeholders (local authorities, associations managing environments, State services, etc.), technical and industrial stakeholders (engineering office, companies)
- Scientists, professors and students involved, or curious, in the field of water and hydrosystems sciences - 201928 JUN
The first annual meeting of the EUR H2O'Lyon was held on June 28th, 2019 at the auditorium Charles Merieux, on the Monod Campus of ENS de Lyon.
- 201807 JUN
Backed by the University of Lyon, H2O'Lyon, one of the two graduate schools selected by the National Research Agency (ANR) in November 2017, has just been launched in Lyon on the occasion of the ISRivers International Conference.
H2O'bjectif Pro
- 202403 DEC
This day is aimed at PhD students and young researchers in the H2O'Lyon community who want to boost their careers, continue in academia or move into other types of profession.
- 202307 DEC
This day is aimed at PhD students and young researchers in the H2O'Lyon community who want to boost their careers, continue in academia or move into other types of profession.
- 202214 NOV
This day is aimed at PhD students and young researchers in the H2O'Lyon community who want to boost their careers, continue in academia or move into other types of profession.
World Water Week
- 202418 MAR 22 MAR
From 18 to 22 March 2024, the H2O'Lyon Graduate School and its partners are organizing an open university week to coincide with World Water Day on 22 March.
- 202320 MAR 25 MAR
The graduate school H2O'Lyon and their partners are offering a week of open university events to match World Water Day on 22 March, the theme of which this year is "Accelerating Change". A rich programme to better understand the issues surrounding water. To be followed face-to-face or remotely: webinars, workshops, exhibitions, round discussions
- 202221 MAR 26 MAR
From 21 to 26 March 2022, the Lyon Urban School, the H2O'Lyon Graduate School and their partners are organising a water week on the theme of groundwater, to match Unesco's World Water Day: an exciting programme in person or online, consisting of webinars, workshops, seminars, performance art, etc. Register now!
- 202122 MAR
H2O'Lyon will celebrate the World Water Day 2021 by organizing seminars and meetings on the theme of this year : #Water2me.
- 202421 OCT
H2O’Lyon x SFE2 conference Young Researchers Meet-Up
The aim of the Doc.H2O evenings/days is to encourage PhD students and young researchers (post-docs, ATERs, etc.) to meet up and exchange ideas, opportunities and mutual support, and to enable them to acquire useful skills for their professional careers, including workshops. These quarterly events are organised with and for PhD students and young doctors - 202420 SEP
Welcome afternoon: meet the newcomers through a bicycle adventure!
The aim of the Doc.H2O evenings/days is to encourage PhD students and young researchers (post-docs, ATERs, etc.) from the H2O'Lyon community to meet up and exchange ideas, opportunities and mutual support, and to enable them to acquire useful skills for their professional careers, including workshops. These quarterly events are organised with and for PhD students and young doctors - 202402 MAY
An evening for doctoral students and young researchers on international careers. Why develop an international profile? For what professional and personal purposes? How can you make your profile international and how can you promote your skills?
The aim of the Doc.H2O evenings/days is to encourage PhD students and young researchers (post-docs, ATERs, etc.) from the H2O'Lyon community to meet up and exchange ideas, opportunities and mutual support, and to enable them to acquire useful skills for their professional careers, including workshops. These quarterly events are organised with and for PhD students and young doctors - 202319 SEP
An evening for PhD students and young researchers to discuss current issues in scientific publication.
The aim of the Doc.H2O evenings/days is to encourage PhD students and young researchers (post-docs, ATERs, etc.) from the H2O'Lyon community to meet up and exchange ideas, opportunities and mutual support, and to enable them to acquire useful skills for their professional careers, including workshops. These quarterly events are organised with and for PhD students and young doctors - 202306 JUL
The aim of the Doc.H2O evenings/days is to encourage meetings and exchanges between PhD students and young researchers (post-docs, ATERs, etc.) from the H2O'Lyon community, to enhance each other's thinking, opportunities, mutual support, etc. and to enable them to acquire useful skills for their professional careers, including through workshops. These quarterly events are organised with and for PhD students and young doctors
- 202322 MAR
Doc.H2O #5 « Building Bridges » - Water Week 2023 Special Edition
A collaborative workshop around concepts we all use to discover how other disciplines think, the variety of interfaces.We will explore the notions of "water cycle" and "restoration". - 202313 JAN
An afternoon for doctoral students and young researchers on the mediation and popularisation of science and the issues affecting rivers.
- 202229 SEP
Evenings for PhD students and young researchers to widen their networks, learn from each other, and create opportunities.
- 202205 JUL
Evenings for PhD students and young researchers to widen their networks, learn from each other, and create opportunities.
2nd edition, special I.S. Rivers // Evening in English.
Créons des ponts
- 202404 JUN
A participatory workshop based on concepts we all use, to discover how other disciplines think, the wealth of interfaces and open up new perspectives.
- 202323 NOV
A participatory workshop based on concepts we all use, to discover how other disciplines think, the wealth of interfaces and open up new perspectives.
- 202315 JUN
A participatory workshop based on concepts we all use, to discover how other disciplines think, the wealth of interfaces and open up new perspectives.