
Créons des ponts #2 // Risk & Pollution

On The June 15, 2023

17h - 20h00
ENS Lyon, bâtiment Buisson, Salle D8.001, 15 parvis René Descartes 69007 Lyon

A participatory workshop based on concepts we all use, to discover how other disciplines think, the wealth of interfaces and open up new perspectives.

« Créons des Ponts » is a series of workshops designed to explore concepts that are commonly used when talking about water issues, but which can have different meanings in different disciplines. The aim is to open up dialogue, encourage discussion and, ultimately, to create illustrated fact sheets to facilitate mutual understanding.

After exploring the concepts of the water cycle and restoration, this second evening will focus on two new concepts: 'pollution' and 'risk'.
The floor will be given to four researchers from different disciplines, as well as to the participants, so that they can compare and contrast their points of view.

This evening is aimed at doctoral students and young researchers, but anyone interested is welcome to register, subject to availability.


Opening – game : the floor is given to participants
Workshop 1 on pollution
Workshop 2 on risk
Time for a drink and a chat


  • Arnaud Chaumot (Riverly, ecotoxicology)
  • Gabrielle Seignemartin (LEHNA, hydrogeomorphology)
  • Philippe Polomé (GATE, economics)
Live illustration by Romain Couturier from SuperTilt
  • Maïlys Genouel (EVS)
  • Barbara Belletti (H2O’Lyon)

What was reported in the drawing