Conference | Soutien H2O’Lyon

Effluents non domestiques

From June 25, 2020 to June 26, 2020


Cette 11e édition mettra en lumière les actualités et retours d’expérience sur :

- Les substances dangereuses dans les STEU du bassin Rhône-Méditerranée-Corse et le développement des approches sectorielles pour un meilleur suivi des effluents non domestiques.

- Les activités industrielles et les rejets dans le réseau d’eaux pluviales.

Collectivités et industriels s’associeront pour présenter leurs retour d’expérience sur le déversement au réseau pluvial.

This conference is in French.
Among the many missions of sewerage network managers, the control of non-domestic wastewater discharges has become essential. As a result, local authorities must adapt, organise and develop tools to manage the collection and treatment of effluent from the establishments concerned. The objective is to achieve good control of their sanitation systems and of pollution at source, including in connection with rainwater, in terms of both conventional pollutants and micropollutants, with a view to preserving the environment.

Three particular orientations have been adopted this year :

Discharge of non-domestic effluents to the rainwater network
Thematic news from the Rhône-Mediterranean-Corsica basin: Presentation of the launch of sectoral operations and feedback from the RSDE survey
Thematic news from the Loire-Brittany basin

This event has the H2O'Lyon certification.