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Young researchers Summer School
From June 23, 2025 to June 26, 2025
Toolbox for basics in R programming, dose-response modelling for a single substance, in silico approaches in ecotoxicology ((Q)SAR), and learn how to publish your scientific paper and communicate your results.
Students, young researchers, research engineers, regulatory (eco)toxicologist, you are welcome to attend the Young Researchers Summer School organized by the evertéa FEE.
This training is a toolbox that will allow you to review the basics and learn about programming and best practices in R, to learn how to evaluate the toxicity of a substance in the context of dose-response modelling and discover in silico approaches in ecotoxicology ((Q)SAR).
As you are going to publish soon, you will also have a day dedicated to the good practices of building a scientific article, but also of building a poster to communicate your results in congresses or towards the general public.
This training is a toolbox that will allow you to review the basics and learn about programming and best practices in R, to learn how to evaluate the toxicity of a substance in the context of dose-response modelling and discover in silico approaches in ecotoxicology ((Q)SAR).
As you are going to publish soon, you will also have a day dedicated to the good practices of building a scientific article, but also of building a poster to communicate your results in congresses or towards the general public.