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H2O'Lyon Certificate Validation // Master or Engineer school



H2O'Lyon Certificate Validation
Master's degree / Engineer school
Application form



First name  
Date of birth  
Telephone number  

Academic background
Grade level

Institution name  
Section / Speciality  

Summer school or corporate training
Title of summer school or training  
Institution name  
Date from / to  

International mobility
H2O'Lyon research areas related (one or several choices)

Stay duration in months  
Date from / to  
Mobility location  

H2O'Lyon courses promoting interdisciplinarity (6 ECTS minimum)
Course name  
Section / Speciality  
Date   Number of ECTS validated  
Course name  
Section / Speciality  
Date   Number of ECTS validated  
Course name  
Section / Speciality  
Date   Number of ECTS validated  
Participation in international and/or interdisciplinary project with/or without non academic partner
Project dimension (at least 2 items)

Date from / to  
Short description of the project (20 lines max)  

List of documents to be attached to the application
Detailed CV  
English / French level certification B2 minimum  
Work production in English :
- dissertation / publication / communication / poster or other innovative production
International experience :
- a certified statement of stay abroad established by the host supervisor
Summer school or corporate training course completed : certificate of evidence  

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The regulations applicable to personal data are changing, with the entry into force on 25 May 2018 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), adopted by the European Parliament. EUR H2O'Lyon is committed to respecting the information provided to it. The data collected at the time of your application is exclusively intended for use by EUR H2O'Lyon for administrative and educational management purposes and to establish statistics. In accordance with the French Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978, you have the right to access and rectify any information concerning you. If you wish to exercise this right and obtain information about you, please contact