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H2O'Lyon Webinar #5 // Jacob Diamond
On The April 27, 2021
at 5.00 pm (Paris time)
Webinar in English and French
The power of oxygen: Inferring ecosystem processes from river reaches to networks.
H2O'Lyon is pleased to invite Jacob DIAMOND for its 5th webinar.
Jacob DIAMOND is a post-doc researcher at INRAE and deals with stream metabolism.
The Power of Oxygen: Inferring Ecosystem Processes from River Reaches to Networks
"Aquatic ecosystem recovery from anthropogenic degradation can be hampered by internal feedbacks that stabilize undesirable states. The challenges of managing and predicting alternative states in lakes are well known, but state shifts in rivers and their attendant effects on ecosystem function remain understudied despite strong recent evidence that such shifts can and do occur. Using three decades of measurements of key state variables such as turbidity, nutrient concentrations, Corbicula fluminea clam densities, and chlorophyll a, including hourly dissolved oxygen, we investigated a sudden shift from phytoplankton to macrophyte dominance in the middle Loire River (France), and its associated effects on the rivers metabolic regime. This study allowed us to identify a robust early warning indicator of both state- and metabolic-shifts that may provide valuable guidance for river restoration. We also present an exploration of headwater network patterns of dissolved oxygen."
The webinar is in English with simultaneous translation into French. It will last 40 min followed by a 20-min Q&A.
Read more about Jacob Diamond...