Steering Committee
The steering committee consists of the coordinator Christophe Douady (Professor, laboratory LEHNA) and co-coordinator Hervé Piégay (Research Director CNRS, laboratory EVS).
It meets once a month.
We would like to thank Sylvie Barraud (Pr. INSA, laboratory DEEP) for her involvement for three years in the steering committee before her retirement.
Christophe DOUADY Main Coordinator of H2O'Lyon Professor, UMR 5023 LEHNA University Claude Bernard Lyon 1 | Hervé PIEGAY Co-coordinator of H2O'Lyon Research Director, UMR 5600 EVS CNRS, ENS Lyon |
Graduate School Council
The council meets once a month.
It is responsible for the overall coordination of the Graduate School, operational management, and the implementation, analysis and self-evaluation of actions.
It is made up of the two members of the Steering Committee and:
Full members | Alternates |
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Full member | Alternate |
Institutional Committee
It brings together the various representatives of the supervisory authorities.
It meets twice a year. The institutional committee validates the strategic choices and decision-making of the Graduate School with regard to the development of the Lyon-Saint-Etienne university community, from an academic and research point of view.
International Scientific Advisory Board
It consists of 9 internationally recognized scientists.
It meets once a year. The role of the International Scientific Advisory Board is to guide the members of the steering committee in the scientific priorities and training actions to be undertaken.
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Isabelle Durance Water Ecology Cardiff University United Kingdom | Nancy Grimm Urban Ecology Arizona State University United States | Louis Gross Ecology & Evolutionary Biology University of Tennessee United States | Helmut Habersack Hydraulics University BOKU, Vienna Austria | Rolf David Vogt Environmental Chemistry University of Oslo Norway |
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Peter Steen Mikkelsen Hydrology Technical University of Denmark Denmark | Mathias Kondolf Geomorphology University of California Berkeley United States | Eva Lindström Microbiology University of Uppsala Sweden | Géraldine Pflieger Humanities & Social Sciences University of Geneva Switzerland |
Committee of Socio-Economic Partners
The coordination of the practitioners' committee is ensured by the GRAIE.
This committee has ten members from the professional world (companies, local authorities, associations, etc.).
They meet at least once a year and participate in the co-construction of the training programme by proposing and implementing actions that interact with their professional activity.