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Ecole Universitaire de Recherche (EUR): What is it?

Inspired by the Graduate Schools of the major international universities, the "Ecoles Universitaires de Recherche" (EUR) structure master's and doctoral courses around major multidisciplinary research themes. They can be transversal and involve several higher education and research institutions. Their mission is to ensure a strong link between their courses and research, whether academic or more applied, in conjunction with socio-economic partners.

EURs are largely autonomous, with their own specificities, but they nevertheless share ambitions and operating principles that lead them to renew teaching practices, promote interdisciplinarity, decompartmentalise training cycles and courses, develop international partnerships and open up students to international mobility, and strengthen links with the social, economic, political and cultural networks of the territories.

EURs were launched in 2017 by the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation following a call for projects under the Investissements d'Avenir programme. More than forty laureates throughout France have obtained funding for a period of 8 to 10 years. The attractiveness of this model then motivated universities to create EURs with their own funds or via other funding mechanisms.

The H2O'Lyon EUR is the only EUR dedicated to freshwater in France.
Two other EURs exist on the Lyon - Saint-Etienne site: the EUR MANUTECH-SLEIGHT dedicated to Surface-Light Engineering, and the EUR EID@Lyon dedicated to Infectious Diseases.