Publié le 29 août 2024 | Mis à jour le 9 septembre 2024

Publications 2024

La contribution de nos é et est indiquée en gras

  • Barthelemy, N., Mermillod-Blondin, F., Krause, S., Simon, L., Mimeau, L., Devers, A., Vidal, J.-P., & Datry, T. (2024). The Duration of Dry Events Promotes PVC Film Fragmentation in Intermittent Rivers. Environmental Science & Technology, 58(28), 12621–12632.
  • Bouchali, R., Mandon, C., Danty - Berger, E., Géloën, A., Marjolet, L., Youenou, B., Pozzi, A. C. M., Vareilles, S., Galia, W., Kouyi, G. L., Toussaint, J.-Y., & Cournoyer, B. (2024). Runoff microbiome quality assessment of a city center rainwater harvesting zone shows a differentiation of pathogen loads according to human mobility patterns. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, 260, 114391.
  • Bouloy, A., Olivier, J.-M., Riquier, J., Castella, E., Marle, P., & Lamouroux, N. (2024). Spatio-temporal dynamics of habitat use by fish in a restored alluvial floodplain over two decades. Science of The Total Environment, 906, 167540.
  • Brunet, T. A., Clément, Y., Calabrese, V., Lemoine, J., Geffard, O., Chaumot, A., Degli-Esposti, D., Salvador, A., & Ayciriex, S. (2024). Concomitant investigation of crustacean amphipods lipidome and metabolome during the molting cycle by Zeno SWATH data-independent acquisition coupled with electron activated dissociation and machine learning. Analytica Chimica Acta, 1304, 342533.
  • Bulteau, T., Vázquez‐Tarrío, D., Batalla, R. J., & Piégay, H. (2024). A multi‐site and hypothesis‐driven approach to identify controls on the bedload transport regime of an anthropised gravel‐bed river. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms.
  • Calabrese, V., Brunet, T. A., Degli-Esposti, D., Chaumot, A., Geffard, O., Salvador, A., Clément, Y., & Ayciriex, S. (2024). Electron-activated dissociation (EAD) for the complementary annotation of metabolites and lipids through data-dependent acquisition analysis and feature-based molecular networking, applied to the sentinel amphipod Gammarus fossarum. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 416(12), 2893–2911.
  • Cinéas, C., Dolédec, S. (2024). Influence of climate, physical and chemical variables on the taxonomic and functional responses of macroinvertebrate communities in tropical island rivers. Hydrobiologia, 851(15), 3735–3754.
  • Clara, P., Yves-François, L. L., Anne-Laure, A., Dad, R.-M., Fanny, A., Carole, B., Emmanuel, C., Georges, C., Anne, C., Marina, C., Emeline, C., Maxence, F., Jean-Michel, O., Hervé, P., Olivier, R., & Nicolas, L. (2024). Publications reveal how socio-ecological research is implemented: Lessons from the Rhône long term socio-ecological research platform. Anthropocene, 45, 100412.
  • Döll, P., Abbasi, M., Messager, M. L., Trautmann, T., Lehner, B., & Lamouroux, N. (2024). Streamflow Intermittence in Europe: Estimating High‐Resolution Monthly Time Series by Downscaling of Simulated Runoff and Random Forest Modeling. Water Resources Research, 60(8).
  • Douce, P., Simon, L., Colas, F., Mermillod-Blondin, F., Renault, D., Sulmon, C., Eymar-Dauphin, P., Dubreucque, R., & Bittebiere, A.-K. (2024). Warming drives feedback between plant phenotypes and ecosystem functioning in sub-Antarctic ponds. Science of The Total Environment, 914, 169504.
  • Douce, P., Eymar-Dauphin, P., Saiz, H., Renault, D., Mermillod-Blondin, F., Simon, L., Vallier, F., & Bittebiere, A.-K. (2024). Multidimensional trait space outlines the effects of changes in abiotic filtering on aquatic plant community from sub-Antarctic ponds. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics, 64, 125798.
  • Duny, M., Cortéjade, A., Wiest, L., Nicolas, M., Vulliet, E. (2024). Single injection LC-MS/MS analytical method for the quantification of diverse families of micropollutants, including PFAS and organotins, in Gammarus fossarum. Journal of Chromatography A, 1720, 464778.
  • Eriyagama, N., Messager, M. L., Dickens, C., Tharme, R., Stassen, R. (2024). Towards the harmonization of global environmental flow estimates: comparing the Global Environmental Flow Information System (GEFIS) with country data.
  • Fabre, C., Fressard, M., Bizzi, S., Branger, F., & Piegay, H. (2024). Combining hillslope erosion and river connectivity models to assess large scale fine sediment transfers: Application over the Rhône River (France). Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 49(10), 3027–3045.
  • Fagour, C., Proust, S., & Mignot, E. (2024). A laboratory experiment on the pollutant transport in a flooded street network. Journal of Hydrology, 640, 131603.
  • Figueras, J., Benbelkacem, H., Dumas, C., Buffiere, P. (2024). Inhibitions from Syngas Impurities: Impact of Common Tar Components on a Consortium Adapted for Syngas Biomethanation. Waste and Biomass Valorization, 15(4), 2427–2437.
  • Fu, T., Calabrese, V., Bancel, S., Quéau, H., Garnero, L., Delorme, N., Abbaci, K., Salvador, A., Chaumot, A., Geffard, O., Degli-Esposti, D., & Ayciriex, S. (2024). ToF-SIMS imaging shows specific lipophilic vitamin alterations in chronic reprotoxicity caused by the emerging contaminant Pravastatin in Gammarus fossarum. Aquatic Toxicology, 271, 106935.
  • Genouel, M., Comby, E., Le Lay, Y.-F., & Biron, P. (2024). Urban flooding and the resultant pollution: What French-speaking scientists make of it? Anthropocene, 46, 100436.
  • Hamel, P., Ding, N., Cherqui, F., Zhu, Q., Walcker, N., Bertrand-Krajewski, J.-L., Champrasert, P., Fletcher, T. D., McCarthy, D. T., Navratil, O., & Shi, B. (2024). Low-cost monitoring systems for urban water management: Lessons from the field. Water Research X, 22, 100212.
  • Hortobágyi, B., Petit, S., Marteau, B., Melun, G., Piégay, H. (2024). A high‐resolution inter‐annual framework for exploring hydrological drivers of large wood dynamics. River Research and Applications, 40(6), 958–975.
  • Hortobágyi, B., Vaudor, L., Ghaffarian, H., Piégay, H. (2024). Inter‐basin comparison of wood flux using random forest modelling and repeated wood extractions in unmonitored catchments. Hydrological Processes, 38(6).
  • Insulaire, F., Lamouroux, N., Barillier, A., Paillex, A., Capra, H., Cattaneo, F., Gouraud, V. (2024). Characterizing the effects of morphological microstructures and hydropeaks on fish stranding in rivers. River Research and Applications, 40(5), 834–849.
  • Liébault, F., Piégay, H., Cassel, M., Arnaud, F. (2024). Bedload tracing with RFID tags in gravel‐bed rivers: Review and meta‐analysis after 20 years of field and laboratory experiments. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 49(1), 147–169.
  • Maghakian, C., Navratil, O., Zanot, J.-M., Rivière, N., Honegger, A. (2024). Drowning incidents in urban rivers: An underestimated issue with future challenges in need of an interdisciplinary database to characterise its epidemiology. Environmental Challenges, 14, 100822.
  • Mermillod-Blondin, F., Gautreau, E., Pinasseau, L., Gouze, E., Vallier, F., Volatier, L., Nogaro, G. (2024). Interactions between sediment characteristics and oxygen conditions at the sediment–water interface of reservoirs: influences on nutrient dynamics and eutrophication. Hydrobiologia, 851(14), 3433–3452.
  • Messager, M. L., Dickens, C. W. S., Eriyagama, N., Tharme, R. E. (2024). Limited comparability of global and local estimates of environmental flow requirements to sustain river ecosystems. Environmental Research Letters, 19(2), 024012.
  • Montoya-Coronado, V. A., Tedoldi, D., Castebrunet, H., Molle, P., Lipeme Kouyi, G. (2024). Data-driven methodological approach for modeling rainfall-induced infiltration effects on combined sewer overflow in urban catchments. Journal of Hydrology, 632, 130834.
  • Montoya-Coronado, V. A., Tedoldi, D., Lenormand, E., Castebrunet, H., Molle, P., Lipeme Kouyi, G. (2024). Combined sewer overflow mitigation through SUDS - A review on modelling practices, scenario elaboration, and related performances. Journal of Environmental Management, 362, 121073.
  • Mostefaoui, O., Lopez, D., Mignot, E., & Massardier-Nageotte, V. (2024). Custom-made spherical fluorescent tracer particles for laser Velocimetry Laboratory Experiments. Flow Measurement and Instrumentation, 99, 102665.
  • Pozzi, A. C. M., Petit, S., Marjolet, L., Youenou, B., Lagouy, M., Namour, P., Schmitt, L., Navratil, O., Breil, P., Branger, F., & Cournoyer, B. (2024). Ecological assessment of combined sewer overflow management practices through the analysis of benthic and hyporheic sediment bacterial assemblages from an intermittent stream. Science of The Total Environment, 907, 167854.
  • Riviere, N., Pouchoulin, S., Cai, W., Lipeme Kouyi, G., Le Coz, J., & Mignot, E. (2024). A new pH-based tracing method for flow mixing studies in closed-loop experimental flumes: evaluation in an open-channel confluence. Environmental Fluid Mechanics.
  • Romdhani, M., Aloulou, W., Aloulou, H., Duplay, J., Charcosset, C., Ben Amar, R., Performance assessment of a new flat sepiolite clay-based ultrafiltration membrane for the removal of paracetamol and indigo bleu dyes from two synthetic aqueous solutions, Sustainability, 16 (2024) 1860,
  • Ruiz‐Villanueva, V., Aarnink, J., Ghaffarian, H., Gibaja del Hoyo, J., Finch, B., Hortobágyi, B., Vuaridel, M., & Piégay, H. (2024). Current progress in quantifying and monitoring instream large wood supply and transfer in rivers. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 49(1), 256–276.
  • Rusnák, M., Kaňuk, J., Kidová, A., Lehotský, M., Piégay, H., Sládek, J., & Michaleje, L. (2024). Inferring channel incision in gravel‐bed rivers: Integrating LiDAR data, historical aerial photographs and drone‐based SfM topo‐bathymetry. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 49(8), 2475–2497.
  • Saccò, M., Mammola, S., Altermatt, F., Alther, R., Bolpagni, R., Brancelj, A., Brankovits, D., Fišer, C., Gerovasileiou, V., Griebler, C., Guareschi, S., Hose, G. C., Korbel, K., Lictevout, E., Malard, F., Martínez, A., Niemiller, M. L., Robertson, A., Tanalgo, K. C., … Reinecke, R. (2024). Groundwater is a hidden global keystone ecosystem. Global Change Biology, 30(1).
  • Saclier, N., Duchemin, L., Konecny‐Dupré, L., Grison, P., Eme, D., Martin, C., Callou, C., Lefébure, T., François, C., Issartel, C., Lewis, J. J., Stoch, F., Sket, B., Gottstein, S., Delić, T., Zagmajster, M., Grabowski, M., Weber, D., Reboleira, A. S. P. S., … Malard, F. (2024). A collaborative backbone resource for comparative studies of subterranean evolution: The World Asellidae database. Molecular Ecology Resources, 24(1).
  • Scorpio, V., Comiti, F., Liébault, F., Piegay, H., Rinaldi, M., & Surian, N. (2024). Channel changes over the last 200 years: A meta data analysis on European rivers. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 49(9), 2651–2676.
  • Tedoldi, D., Couvidat, J., Gautier, M., Zhan, Q., Winiarski, T., Lipeme Kouyi, G., Delolme, C., & Chatain, V. (2024). In-depth characterization of sediment contamination in stormwater infiltration basins. Blue-Green Systems, 6(1), 1–19.
  • Tondera, K., Gillot, S., & Chazarenc, F. (2024). Carbon redirection in chemically enhanced primary treatment of domestic wastewater: A meta-analysis of laboratory to full-scale trials. Chemosphere, 351, 141161.
  • Wazne, M., Mermillod-Blondin, F., Vallier, M., Krause, S., Barthélémy, N., & Simon, L. (2024). Optimization of glass separating funnels to facilitate microplastic extraction from sediments. MethodsX, 12, 102540.