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Interdisciplinary fieldwork in Ecosystem Ecology
Semestre | Semestre 3 |
Nature | UE |
Crédits ECTS | 3 |
Volume horaire total | 30 |
This UE will focus on anthropocentric impacts on small water bodies (e.g., Etang de la Dombes), combining the disciplines of bio-sciences, ecosystem services, cultural heritage and ecological economics. During the CM (6h) students will obtain basic information to understand the principles and connectedness of the different disciplines. The TP (18h) will consist of three 6-hour field trips to the Dombes region, which will provide hands-on experience regarding sampling techniques and assessment of aquatic biodiversity (invertebrates and fishes), water quality / chemistry (e.g., Chl a, nutrients, temperature, transparency, pH) and stakeholder interactions (meeting and round table discussions with fishermen, naturalists, tourism groups, etc.). During the TD students or groups of students (6h) will generate a scientific report and a presentation on a subject of their choice (related to the UE).