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H2O'Lyon Webinar #12 // Peng Gao
On The June 14, 2022
5.00pm (Paris time)
Braided rivers in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau: distribution and functioning
Speaker :
Pr. Peng Gao, Department of Geography and Environment, Syracuse University (New-York, USA). Peng Gao is a short-stay resident researcher hosted at the EVS laboratory and supported by H2O'Lyon.
"Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (QTP), mostly located in western China, is the world’s highest plateau. Many river systems are derived from the QTP and become the source areas of major large rivers in east and south Asia (e.g., Yellow River, Yangtze River, Mekong River, Salween River, and Brahmaputra River). Braided rivers constitute a fundamental type of these river systems and are widely distributed in the QTP. In this talk, I will describe these braided rivers in terms of their associated five watersheds along the northeastern belt of the QTP. Physiographic settings of example sites in each watershed will be introduced, together with illustration of various pictures and high-resolution oblique images obtained in previously deployed multiple Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) surveys. Then, functioning characteristics of these braided rivers are presented using three case studies focusing on three sites within three different watersheds. The talk will end by presenting photos of several unique animals living in the QTP."

Pr. Gao is a physical geographer trained in fluvial geomorphology. His research has been involved in hillslope processes (landslide initiation and prediction, rill and gully erosion under overland flows), sediment transport (bed load and suspended sediment load) in river channels and agricultural drainage system, watershed modeling for hydrological and sediment-transport processes, as well as morphological structure of longitudinal profiles of mountain rivers.
Since 2015, his research interest has been focusing on two broad areas:
- River dynamics and environment changes
- Geospatial-based urban studies..
Pr. Peng Gao, Department of Geography and Environment, Syracuse University (New-York, USA). Peng Gao is a short-stay resident researcher hosted at the EVS laboratory and supported by H2O'Lyon.
Braided rivers in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau: distribution and functioning characteristics
"Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (QTP), mostly located in western China, is the world’s highest plateau. Many river systems are derived from the QTP and become the source areas of major large rivers in east and south Asia (e.g., Yellow River, Yangtze River, Mekong River, Salween River, and Brahmaputra River). Braided rivers constitute a fundamental type of these river systems and are widely distributed in the QTP. In this talk, I will describe these braided rivers in terms of their associated five watersheds along the northeastern belt of the QTP. Physiographic settings of example sites in each watershed will be introduced, together with illustration of various pictures and high-resolution oblique images obtained in previously deployed multiple Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) surveys. Then, functioning characteristics of these braided rivers are presented using three case studies focusing on three sites within three different watersheds. The talk will end by presenting photos of several unique animals living in the QTP."A snapshot of a braided river in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
Pr. Gao is a physical geographer trained in fluvial geomorphology. His research has been involved in hillslope processes (landslide initiation and prediction, rill and gully erosion under overland flows), sediment transport (bed load and suspended sediment load) in river channels and agricultural drainage system, watershed modeling for hydrological and sediment-transport processes, as well as morphological structure of longitudinal profiles of mountain rivers.
Since 2015, his research interest has been focusing on two broad areas:
- River dynamics and environment changes
- Geospatial-based urban studies..